22. Belong

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Chapter 22

Lillian laughed heartly as a pair of wrinkly and affeconaite hands clasped hers, before pulling her into an warm filling embrace, "Oh dear god, I had prayed and prayed for this day to come and what an day it is... my dear child you must be Eleanor,"

"Yes, Mrs Crestfield,"

"Oh do call me Grandma Dacey, child, you are family now" she drew away with an smile that seemed like it only made the elder woman younger, Lillian smiled in return and did as told, "Yes, Grandma Dacy,"

Lillian liked the way it flowed and felt comfortable, as if it had been natural her whole life. She and her started walking outside towards the garden, the air was splendid and the sun shining brightly as they both wore bonnets covering them, "My grandson has spoken a great deal of you," she started as they walked.

"Oh?" Lillian replied her eyes glancing at Evan who stood with his brother on the other side of the house, leaving a good distance between them now as Lillian walked with his grandma. Her heart swelled at how great it went, all the while she felt nervous Evan assured her that they would adore her, John, who she found utterly charming and a gleeful young boy who came across shy but was also a grinning one that loved animals fiercly as herself.

The resemblance between the two was not much expect they had the same dark hair and dimpled grin, the length difference and the way his arm was protectively draped over John's shoulder with teddy leaping after them, Lillian's chest squeezed at the sight.

Wiping her gaze back to grandma dacy who spoke,"Indeed and I will tell you it is only good ones that rised my curiousity, as well as the chit chatting town of course,"

"The town?" Lillian's mouth opened like a fish, for some reason she felt alarmed, In ireland no one spread no words or anything since she was from england and thank god not even a reckful scandal could touch it, she was simply safe and of no ones concern. and god if she did not treasure those silent moments.

Now she felt unnerving at the thought of society... specially when she was not the rightful bride,

"Well no need to look so distressed, child. Essex people are not as grudgeholding as London's society as i know off, indeed it will be a talk of short amount of time before the town leaves the surprising altercation,"

Now Lillian felt confused,

what altercation?

"I fear i am not entirely following you, Grandma dacy"

"Well i wouldn't be speaking on it exactly had it not been for my grandsons pursuits... since my grandson seems well contended with his marriage i do not want anything troubling him, something i no doubt think you want as well,"

Lillian nodded feeling it hard for her to swallow her own saliva, "Of course," she was able to reply

"Good, Evan is not always vocal of his puruits of career, and few know that he wants to become a politican, for that needs a scandal and gossip free wife, to hear that you saved that dog was more than admirable but it touches bad upon Evan, and I would not be surprised if he did not speak of it with you, but my grandson taking things lightly does not mean rest of it does,"

It felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been thrown over her, Lillian had to hold herself in order not to show her displeasure,

Political pursuits?

Evan had wanted to become a politican.....

It felt like a hard punch to the stomach, not only had he not shared it with her, which probably hurt the most, but it only knifed deeper since it explained every bit of reason why her father wanted Eleanor to marry him in the first place, she had heard vocally how her father had been invested in politics, he had close aquantince and did never miss to lay his opinion, if not having a biological son as politican he would.... strive to have a son in law as one.

As Lillian spaced out she felt grandma dacy stare, "Dear, perhaps it isn't my place to interfere-----" before she could finish Lillian cut in, "No no, I need to know please..."

"So i take it that Evan has not spoken to you about it, not that it is surprising, you see the Hartwick men has always bore a deep affection and deep love upon their women.... they allow their women such a terrible power over them. Their love tends toward obsession. My son Christopher--- Evan's father--- willed himself to death after his wife passed away. The thought of living without her was intolerable to him. Did you know about that?"

"No..." Lillian said, startled.

"Evan is no different.Losing the woman he loves through death or betrayal, would have the same effect on him"  "

Lillian's eyes widened, a rush of defense came through her and another scary part of the word betrayal... "Grandma Dacy, I think you are exaggerating the case. His feelings for me do not tend to that extreme. That is, he doesn't---"

"You are not as sharp-witted as i thought, child, if you haven't realised that he loves you,"

Caught in the grip of dismay and some deeper perplexing emotion, Lillian stared at her in silent astonishment,

Evan.... loves her?... no that would not be possible,

"But His first wife, Katherine he must--"

"Let me tell you something about that American woman," She interrupted impatiently, "She was a beautiful, carefree creature, prone to romantics and follies. But the woman didn't understand the depth to him, nor did she care to. She never would have appreciated the kind of love he is capable of giving.... and their marriage was more of distress then love i tell you that"

"You've wrought quite a change in him," Grandma Dacy paused reflectivevly, "I don't think I've seen him so light-hearted since he was a boy, before his parents passed away"

Unaccountable pleased, Lillian lowered her gaze to hide the effects of the old woman's words, she didn't will herself to believe it

but how she wished it was true,

"I don't think i am the one for that to praise," Lillian chuckled silently although another similair conversation with Evan's butler had spoke of the same when he once accompanied her to the shop,

"I think you do a great countess, in my twenty years of working under the earl, I have never seen him this content"

the words had affected her so much that she had let herself believe it, recalling him flashing her a smile that reminded her how she craved the feeling, smell and warmth from her husband, showing her exactly how much in a lovemaking that lasted for hours.....

A blush creeped through her cheeks as Grandma Dacy tsked, "You Young people are far more thickheaded now than in my day," she observed tartly, "Close your mouth child, you'll catch flies."

The playful stern tone in grandma dacy reminded Lillian of her aunt, although her aunt had been far more outlandish than this elegant matron,

"You know you remind me of when i was young, I did things that was quite questionable, I was also very impulsive and quick to do without a back hand thought, but I'll tell you something I discovered when i married Lord Thirmone--- the love of a good man is worth a few sacrifices"

The love of a good man is worth a few sacrifices...
Lillian pondered on the words,

"I believe we should return before your husband wonder why i am holding you for so long, I see that he cannot abide any critic towards you.."

Smiling lightly their conversation couldn't go much longer as Evan and John approached, Lillian felt her blood rush as she took in the sight of him, and her cheeks burned at the thought of his grandmas words,

"I do wonder what tales you whisk onto my wife now grandma..."

"Oh just the ones that you peed in your pants a lot , and used to be a chubby child" His grandma teased causing Lillian and John to goggle with laughter as Evan covered his face with a groan.

"Oh god,"

They all laughed and in that moment Lillian felt she belonged somewhere..... what a cruelty that it would be her own downfall...

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