24. Sapphire Jewerly

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chapter 24.

The coach and four raced through the evening darkness, the dimly lighted outskirts of the city coming into view.

He wasn't expected back in Essex for two more days, but Evan had done everything that could be done about the tragic death of his close friend and politican. He'd looked into the circumantances and nothing stated it was the rivalry partiees who murdered the politician but the police concluded it was not a sucidide, them working still on the case. Evan condoled with the community to set them once more at ease.

Death was never a pleasant business and he was anxious to put it behind him and return home.

The plain truth was, he missed his wife. He thought of her at least a hundred times a day. Pausing at odd moments to reflect upon something he'd once heard her say or seen her do, commiting to memory fresh topics and events he longed to share anew. The nights since he'd gone were long. He hadn't slept soundly once.  it had been utterly annoying to sleep alone, f. He'd never before realized how lonely his bed could without her, wo

He also had every intentions of picking up where they left and his intentions of apologizing for his faults, he wanted nothing more to get her with child and stay with him.

He would also tell her he love her.

it was time. What was the point anymore of concealing the truth?, from himself or from Eleanor? while he might not hear the words back, he would make sure she came to love him one day.

He was grinning, his good humour bubbling over when the coach pulled up to the townhouse.

Mrs. Grimm opened the door, eyebrows raised in surprise "My lord, we weren't expecting you before friday"

"Decided to come home early. Where's my wife? Has she gone out for the evening?"

"The countess and Lord John departed some time ago. Bertram accompinied her to town, While i do not want to interferee my lord, the countess seemed distressed when she left,"

"Why do you say so?, has anything troubled her while i was gone?"

"No---- My lord perhaps I am overaggerating, I can tend to be that way sometimes," The old woman chuckled brushing a hand in the air, while Evan did feel a sense of worry he also knew Mrs. Grimm was an old and weary woman.

"Where's John?"

"He's taking dinner.. professor Burks left a while ago"

"Very well. Send Wilcox up to perepare a bath and set out a change of attire."

"Yes, my lord"

He strode over to the stairs, taking them two at a time. Halfway up, he paused at the voice of his footman trailing behind, "Oh, my lord, the mailman was here and left a letter for the countess,"

"Yes i will inform my wife of that when she returns,"

"She has recieved the letter my lord, the letter arrived yesterday"

Evan nodded brisquelly, "Very well" it must be from her sister who he yet haven't meet and perhaps Evan should take matters into hands and surprise his wife, recalling their last conversation, he should send someone for her sister and bring her here.

Satisfied with that conclusion Evan strode to the stairs and entered his room.

Ever efficient, Wilcox had a hot bath waiting by the time Evan stripped down, and a fresh set of evening clothes laid out the bed when he'd finished. A small plate of cheese, crackers and fruit plus a glas of burgundy waited as well to ease his hunger after the long journey

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