35. Empty

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chapter 34

"Lillian, are you sure?, perhaps he wants to----" Eleanor tried again as her sister cut off,

"No eleanor, he knows, and even if he wants me to return back with him it is only a matter of time before i will leave again," Lillian muttered as she threw her belongings in her baggage, giving no time for tardiness. They arised before anyone else, before dawn.

"Oh god, I sincerelly hope you are right about that, although I can understand why you want to run, he looked like he was out for blood at the ball, the heart attack he gave me when he came towards me, I was mortified.... "

Lillian's mind went back to last night which she did not want to be reminded off, when he kissed her all the while knowing her real identity, and everything after that went to hell, she was completely wrecked.

"But Evan is not like father..." Eleanor continued

Yes, Lillian knew that. That was why she had felt guilty all this time, wanted to tell him the truth from the beginning, he wasn't the man she expected, he didn't deserve any of this. But she had a feeling it didn't matter, Evan would want her gone even if he wasn't as cruel and heartless like her father.

Evan is no different. losing the woman he loves through death or betrayal, would have the same effect on him

the words from his grandma replayed in her mind, all more adding to why he would never forgive her. She would leave, and pick her life up piece by piece.

realising her sister words Lillian answered back, "No, he's not and that's why I am leaving, please don't ask futher, I fear the servants will hear us"

Thankfully Eleanor did listen and went back to packing her stuff, aproximentaly twenty minutes later they were done and packed, "There is one thing i need to do," Lillian broke the silence, striding over to the desk and wrote down on a note, "Once were gone, i want no one to think we were abducted or anything of that case"

and another part of her wanted Evan to perhaps hate her a little less when he found out the favor she was doing him. Vanishing and leaving him from a bigger scandal. Perhaps then he could become the politicer he wanted, pursue his dreams.

and one day she would read the newspaper... see his face and tell her future children a tale... that she once fell in love with a man she decieved... who hate her....

"All done" placing down the ink pencil she rose and grabbed her baggage, eleanor already done, both of them wearing layers and layers of clothing and a coat, winter was bloody cold in England, but not as cold In ireland, "We will survive this, thank god you had a carriage waiting for us, I don't know what we would've done"

Placing the letter on the desk Lillian and Eleanor tip toed out the room and whisked silently through the halls and once no one caught eye on them they were out the doors,

halting mid step Lillian looked back, the huge palace almost dark now as no lights were on and the dawn was soon breaking...

Goodbye Evan...

"Your coming?"

Dragging her gaze away Lillian followed her sister into the carriage forcing herself not to look back as they took off.


"what are you saying?" Evan scowled as one of the maids spoke in hushed tones, while he tried to enjoy his early breakfast before he parted for Essex with his wife, a reminder that he didn't want to think off.

He had already confronted her. Yet it didn't cease the burning inside him, it only increased with the thought of her.

The maids snapped their necks looking at each other in horror, "I---Uh my lord, We've looked and came back to look again... in case they were out for a morning walk,"

"Who are you speaking off?" his fork stopped mid air as he looked up from his plate,

"Miss Windsor and the countess... It seems like they haven't been back..."

"What do you mean they haven't been back? they shouldn't be walking in this cold weather in the first place..." He replied darkly, while he shouldn't care what his decietful wife did. and he didn't care. he told himself it is because he didn't want anyone to know of their marriage problems and quareels, after the ball everyone had sensed something was wrong

and he would be damned if the rumours were following them back to Essex.

Yes, he had all right to care, the papers and in legal she was married to him, which meant she would not go without his approval, to hear she went when the sun had just arised made his blood boil,

"Who accompied them? I want every footman and bloody person who knows off their whereabouts here!" he barked, the maids and servants scrambled away. his mood was turning dark, it was a nerve off her, and she wanted to make him go crazy

wanted him to loose the last string of control he was striving for.

"Uh--- my lord you called for us?" Posture rigid, utterly formal, the footmen all fixed their gaze on a spot just past evan's shoulder.

"Where is my wife? and why haven't i been informed off her whereabouts?"

They looked at each other, blank expressions, "My lord, no carriage is gone and we would have seen them, our breakhours are at noon,"

"Beg pardon? Your saying that none of you accompined my wife and her sister? and none of you saw them?"

they bobbed in unison, "Yes my lord"

if he had been angry before he was fuming now, not only did she had the nerve to cross him as she had done but to leave like she had any right! And without being accompanied!

The woman would be the death of him!

"Be gone, I will look for myself," He leaped from his chair, with a dark menance he strode to the stairs, taking them two at a time. thank heavens the rest of his family had already departed yesterday before the ball, they wouldn't witness this state he was in. And a part of him that he didn't want to identify,something elese than anger, something worse.


and it struck him even more forcefully when he opened the door to the room she stayed in,


completely empty.

her belongings were gone .

His heart raced so fast he couldn't even think straight, eyes roaming around the room he almost missed the desk,

his gaze caught the desk and something on it, striding to it he saw a letter and grasped it, he went to the window, stood where the sunshine provided with the best light. his eyes scanning through every word


when you read this i shall be gone. I have decided it is for the best, and i know you will see that sometime. I shouldn't tell you my destination, although I presume you no longer care where i go so long as it is away from you. Do not worry that i shall presume upon you again. I know you must hate me now. I hate myself for deceiving you. For bringinng shame upon you and your family, forgive me in advance. It was never my intention to cause you harm. I know what i did is unforgivable and that i shall spend the rest of my life trying to atone for the wrong i have caused. Yet i could be lying if i told you i regret meeting you. I cannot regret the time i shared with you. There are far too many beautiful memories to cherish for that.

I have taken only a few personal belongings. The rest i have left, including the wedding and engagement rings. They were never mine to wear after all.

I wish you love and I wish you luck.

Please be happy.


He read the letter twice, finding not so much as a hint of where she might have gone.

He crushed the note in his palm, stalked out the room and down the stairs. If she left, she couldn't be far,

"Prepare my carriage"



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