27. Seducing a cold man

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Chapter 27

She waited until she heard Evan's valet leave, his room growing quiet on the other side of the connecting door.

She gazed down at herself, appalled at her own daring. She was wearing the scandalous red silk night rail from a french trousseau, when her eyes landed on it she had first dismissed it thinking she would never wear anything of that sort, the material clung to her body like a second skin.

"Mademoisselle.... no husband would look another way when he sees you in this..." the french woman winked,

and like that, Lillian bought the scandalous piece. Normally she would never have listened and taken the advice. Had it not been for the part in her that believed he spent the night in the arms of another woman, had he taken a mistress?

she knew he spent a lot in the clubs, and didn't come home until the whee hours. she felt a bitter taste leave her mouth thinking of it. Jealousy hot and strong.

Would Evan want her?

Surely he would when he saw her like this. The gown was so shocking, she hadn't even let Cynthia see her in it. As soon as her maid departed for the evening, she exchanged her nightgown for this one.

She looked almost naked. Broad swatches of lace, interpersed with thin strips of silk that covered only the most essential parts.

The bizzare thing was even slit up the sides.

Lillian had confidence when it came to most of things, but trying to seduce a cold and distant man who happened to leave whenever she was in sight was not an easy task. Especially when the man wouldn't tell her what she bloody comitted to be treated that way!.

But there'd been that look in his eyes during their dance tonight. No matter how brief, she knew she hadn't imagined it. In spite of his recent coldness, some part of him still wanted her, Now she had only to revive that need and show him she felt the same.

and hopefully... hopefully things would turn back to normal, when he would awaken her with kisses and look at her with warmth.

How she longed to have that again....


Evan tossed back the last of his brandy, set the snifter aside. He brooded, staring vacantly into the flames that snapped contedly in the fireplace.


He should never have danced with her tonight. Giving into impulse, jealousy, haste to heat, had been a mistake. He spent his days trying not to think of her and ended up doing little else. His life had turned into an utter hell

He was contemplating another brandy, so he might further drown his misery and have some chance of sleeping, when the connecting door opened.

There she came, gliding into the room on bare, silent feet. Her body was garbed in a bloodred slash of silk that showed more skin than it concealed. Glimpses of her bare legs showed as she walked. Her breasts were lush and firm, succelent fruits barely cloaked beneath a veil of passion colored lace.

His body reacted of its own accord, instant lust priming him. He clenched a single fist and fought to maintain an impassive facade.

"What is it?" delibaretly he made his tone sound bored and disapproving.

She halted, hesistated, "I saw your light, I couldn't sleep"

"It's late. You should ring your maid, have her bring you some warm milk"

she took a few steps forward. "I don't want warm milk"

"Some brandy, perhaps" He grabbed his own empty snifter, rose from his chair, crossed the room. His back turned, he reached for a fresh glass, poured a large splash of liqour inside each.

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