29. Apprehension

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chapter 29.

Lillian laughed heartily for the first time in forever as it felt, "Yes yes... god evan was a very michevious kid as young" Madeline chuckled as her babe now slept soundly. the children was all sleeping this time and the elders were awake, some drinking and telling tales while other embrodiered as dinner were being prepared

Madeline had drawn her away for a talk before Lillian could join the ladies,

"Forgive me for interfering my dear...but i sense that something is amiss, are you feeling alright?"

and just like that. that four letter word, are you feeling alright made lillian babble everthing, she wiped a forming tear as Madeline rubbed her arm,

"Do not worry my dear, Evan is a hardheaded man for sure but he sees rationally and for that has always been my favourite cousin, he has cared for us enomoursly and always make sure we have the best, I do believe you two will solve whatever issue----" suddenly before she could finish the door knocked and everyone stoped whatever they were doing

the ladies who chattered while embrodireing, and the men who drank and engaged in conversation also looked at the door,

Lillian's gaze flew to Evan who rose from his seat, "I believe we have company... one i had the misfortune of never meeting but nevertheless as they say better late then never, why don't you accompany me my dear?" his tone sent a shiver through her and so did the look in his eyes, Lillian swallowed hard as everyone looked at her now,

Madeline with a hopeful and relieved look as she mouthed, 'i told you Evan is rational'

oh god,

Lillian didn't know how she crossed to him with her legs feeling wobbly but she did, he held her by the waist and his warmth relieved every tension, "My dear... an early present," he whispered to her ear and before she could understand the meaning of his words the footman opened the door and all the breath inside of her vanished

she froze

compeltely still

it was as if time had stopped existing in that second, no perhaps it was a minute that gone by

because there stood her sister.. Eleanor.. the real eleanor..

the chilling coldness from the opened door could not have made her cold, nothing could exept her standing sister who also looked surprised as she took in the sworming sight of people gathered around

she had forgotten that Evan was still holding her, "Aren't you thrilled my dear? Your sister, twin sister Lillian as I've gotten to know was much easier to bring, she was not in Ireland but in London, what an coincidence wouldn't you say?"

If Lillian thought she couldn't be more horrified she was wrong, Eleanor was the first out of two of them to cover from the shock, "Eleanor... how I'm glad to see you!" she strode to her and clasped her hands in hers, Lillian was grateful that her real name hadn't slipped from her lips, it would have been more than horrifiying.

Hugging her sister for a split of second Lillian whispered, "He doesn't know, don't tell him anything"

"I won't"

Smiling tightly lillian drew away and introduced her sister to the rest of the people who all had widen eyes and mouth opened, "She--- she looks exactly like you! my god, the resemblance is astonshing" Grandma Dacy was the last one to come down from the shock, she strode over to Eleanor and gathered her hands, "Eleanor hasn't told me much of you---" before she could finish Evan cut in coldly, "Not much at all," his eyes never leaving Lillian's

Lillian looked at him and wished she hadn't, his eyes held hers with an anger she had never seen, it left her cold and shivering as he drew his gaze away from hers as if she no longer mattered, Grandma Dacy looked between them and looked at eleanor, "You look tired and famished my dear, let me show you the guest rooms"

Lillian took that chance to get away from Evan but Grandma Dacy had already her hands in Eleanors and gestured her to follow.


Lillian was alone with Evan now who seemed to not want anything to do with her, yet he brought her sister here? for what?

"Thank you," Lillian found her voice and despite the coldness between them she shall not forget his kindness, after all he didn't know the truth.

"For exactly what?..."

"For bringing my sister...."

"Who you said was supposedly in Ireland?.."

Dear lord, how could she answer to that?

"I-----I mean..."

"Cat got your tongue my dear? I never took you for a stammer... unless you have anything to hide?"

Swallowing hard Lillian held his dark gaze, "Hide? No, what makes you think that"

His eyes held hers for a speaking moment and then the cold in them were gone, standing close to her now he he hovered over her, her heart picked a beat, her eyes fastened on his lip, she couldn't focus with him this close as if he could sense her thoughts he drew his body only closer, now brushing his lips over her ears whispering, "Just an apphrension, my dear... just an apphrension, "

A shiver ran through her at the feeling of his breath against her bare skin, she placed her hands on his chest, what if someone walked right into them? It was scandalous---- "Evan anyone can come---" she swallowed her words as he pressed her back agains the wall, her body flushed against his now.

his head dissapeared at the crook of her neck, he spread kisses over her throat, Lillian bit her lip her eyes closed in pleasure

was she dreaming.... was she?

if that was the case, god forbid she ever woke up.

"I have no reason to doubt you, do i my dear?...." his lips trailed over her jaw, teasing her with his mouth, Lillian was notaware of what he was saying, instead she was overcome with need and want to kiss him, a rise of her toes and she would... when he was a breath from her lips he drew away, still closed eyes Lillian swallowed as his warmth left hers, opening her eyes she was surprised to see the desire heavy in his gaze, "I look forward getting to know your twin sister... who knows what thing you have in common..."

Desire died an instant as Panic rised inside of her, she made sure to not let it show, smiling lightly she murmured, "Yes.. Lillian is delightful, we are quite alike as everyone points out"

"Indeed... indeed... but i was not speaking of your resemblance my dear..."

she thought she heard him wrong, she must have as he walked past her and left her standing frozen,

what did he just say?


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A/ N: what do you think of Evan's behaviour.... and do you think Lillian did right by not telling the truth yet? let me know!.

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