19. Dangerous

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chapter 19

"Well then, my dear, seems like you have a dog"

"Oh, Evan" she closed the distance between them, threw her arms around his waist.

He hugged her to him, gazed down into her radiant eyes, "You really want that big oaf dog? I rather expected a poodle or puppy to be your taste"

She smiled, "Well that is true if I were the one to choose, but this poor dog big as he is needs a home."

He smiled at her bright words, he'd been stark with worry before when she pet the damn dog and unlike him she'd relished in it.

"A dog lover, never knew that about you my dear."

Something flickered in her gaze

Then he remembered they had an audience. A rather large audience, considering they were standing in an inn yard.

Reluctantly, he released her and extended his arm. "Shall we adjourn inside, that is of course if my coat is not helping you warm"

Her eyes widen, "Oh no, it is keeping me more then warm my dear... but what of teddy?"


"Our dog. Teddy is what i like to call him... now don't be judgemental already, I know he looks particularly thin for the name but with a good bath and several meals, he will live up to that name.. isn't he just adorable?" she grinned as the dog only sank further into her embrace.

Evan winced slightly as he took in the scene, he didn't know what to think of a dog gaining his wife's attention more than anything ever had, if he remebered correctly.. her father didn't tell him her love for animals, come to think of it her father told him nothing but that she would be an suitable wife. He could recall the conversation,

"Why do you say that?"

"Well.. I am speaking on your political ambitions and fret not, Lord Hartwick.. My daughter will provide to be the best wife in that accord, she has little intresest in anything but herself and will never do anything outrageous, my daughter has no scandal upon herself"

Evan wondered if the man knew his daughter after all she now rescued a dirty dog, which was now cuddled on her bosom, to his utter surprise expecting anything but a smile upon her lips that did something to his chest, clearing his throat he flickered his gaze towards the carriage, "I do not doubt of that, my dear.. The dog can ride in the carriage i suppose"


They arrived near the essex coast early that evening as the sun crested to its highest peak. Beyond, on the horizon, broad cliffs dropped off in a great hard tumble of rock that angled down toward the ocean. The water itself was a patchwork of blues and grays. Sunlight winking and glittering off the white-capped waves as they rolled to shore. The english channel in all her majesty and glory.


Even her love for ireland had nothing to this sight, Lillian could tell how beautiful the landscape was as the coach passed along the coast road that led toward Evan's estate. The inland fields were vivid green with bushy clumps of waving grass. Songbirds divided in a merry game from tree to tree. While out across the ocean, gulls whirling in lazy, sweeping circles, feathery flashes of white against the piercing azure sky.

Teddy perked up, moving from open window to open window on both sides of the coach, pausing in between to hang out his massive head, mouth agape and watch. Lillian was no different heeself. Delighted as a child, she thrilled to the invigorating tang of salt air, its scent sweet-crisp in her nostrils

She had been to the seaside only once before, on her visit to her mother's cousins when she were young and when her father and mother could stand each other for a certain time, the summer she turned eight. She remembered it particuarlly because Eleanor had not been along on the trip, confined to her bed with the influenza. One sick child in the house, their fretful mother had pronounced, was more than sufficient.

So Lily had been shuffled to the countryside. Instead of being homesick, she had reveled in the adventure. She could still remember the way she had felt then.

The freedom, the fun of being allowed to run wild in the surf with The Hiltons children, Jeff and Sarah. The three of them coming home after long, long hours, sunbaked, clothes stained and dripping, feet and legs caked with sand.

Expecting a wrath like she would recieve in her home if ever daring to behave such ways, the Hiltons had not scolded them. Just shaken their head and sent them off with the nanny for baths and dinner. Even now, the memories of those few short weeks remained one of her very favorites, a place to escape in lazy afternoon dreams.

she relished in those memories, never expecting to feel happiness again.

Yet even from her heartthumping widely and the happiness bolting inside of her she couldn't be foolish enough to trust it, nothing were perminent and Lillian always learned it the hard way.

She hadn't recieved any letters from her sister, nothing. Nothing that indicated that she had eloped with Kevin and finally rebelled against their father.

Her eyes unaccordingly locked with Evan who was sitting astride and riding with the footman, their eyes held for a speaking moment,his lips curved into a smile that took her breath,

it was odd considering that he didn't move a muscle when she first saw him, now she couldn't count how many times he smiled her way. She was surprised by his turn of behaviour as well, not even annoyed that Teddy took the space in the carriage. Although Lily knew that his kindness had something to do with teddy being covered with dirt dog she didn't care... Evan turned out to be the exact opposite of what she ever expected,

How he was looking at her was entirely different from their first meeting,

he looked at her as if.... as if... she couldn't pint point exactly what,

but she knew that it was dangerous...



A/N : hope you liked this chapter!

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