15. Devilishly handsome

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chapter 15

Evan threw his leg and fastened himself above his stallion, he pondered on what transpired last night. So much for private location he hadn't even prepared himself for the possiblity.

Then again perhaps no man had ever discovered his bride to be an experienced one on their wedding night.

To say he was surprised was an understatement, while he did have his own suspicions considering that she accepted his proposal very fast when they both had no lingering feelings, he knew how ladies her rank waited upon the perfect prince and followed the destiny of their hearts and what other rubbish those silly books says.

There were words spiralling around about her suitors and what not, but Evan was not a man who took word based upon theories and hypotetics,

While he had people near him who spoke their own words, Evan didn't call of the wedding.

He needed solid evidence

He was no saint either. He had no expectations from her as well.

He wasn't as strongly sure now.... weird, incredibly odd... one night and he turned into a frickleboy. He blamed her,

yes he did. She was an wicked creature,

it all went down hill after one kiss, that led to many others. God hell, he had not touched another a woman for months, perhaps that explained the way he felt.

Even now he felt the rush of the same feeling again as the morning breeze hit his face, it was a feeling he couldn't put words to, it was explosive and startling.

She had responded with such passion and want that he felt it in his bones, he had never felt a bliss and bone shaking release with any of his mistresses, god almighty not even his previous wife. He loved katherine, but he never shared an earthshaking explosive love making with her.

It felt like he was a teenage boy all of a sudden, he felt he needed to prove himself as the adequate and well lover he was which he did at dawn, waking her up for another round of love making before he forced himself to leave her bed knowing he couldn't bring himself to do it otherwise.

Now he hoped a ride with his horse would clear his mind, god what had he been thinking to take a wife? Let alone live in the same roof with an alluring one.

Oh yes, he wanted children.. yearned for them, to hear his house filled with toodlers was what he wanted, needed. Have an motherly figure for his young brother, who could perhaps fill an empty hole that was long neglected. And that was the only thing he wanted out of this marriage. He didn't care for his own needs, for love, or any affection. Well naturally when they were in public.

That was why he spoke as he did when he saw her fearful look as he drew away from her, it took all in him to remind himself that he had no claim on her besides the child she would carry him, yet he wanted to lash out and ask who the bloody scroundel it was who robbed her innocence.

No he would not think of that, he already gave her word that her past was none of his concern.

Tapping his horse on the back with his feet the stallion took on full force, Evan wished the time could quicken.


Lily stretched, oh god.. she had dreams... such delicious wicked dreams... and she would love nothing more than to never wake up from that dream, the sun shined powerfully, sighing lightly Lillian crinkled her eyes, she thought the sound she heard was her sheets ruffling but once her eyes opened fully she saw it was the sound of papers rustling, from the corner of her eyes she could see Evan spread across a chair, with his paper work.

the man was impossible.

"If you keep moving like that I won't be able to focus here"

Lillian almost shrieked, she hadn't realised she was stretching like a cat and yawning lazily until the sheet exposed her body, she frantically dragged it back, she could hear the deep rumbling of laughter, "Such a shame... i was particuarlly fascinated by that sight," he tsked making Lily burn a deeper shade of red,

she was stammering like a fool, "Wh--what are you doing here... in my bedchamber"

"You mean our bedchamber... at least for a week"


"You must be joking, why-- they must be another room in this cottage for you---- for you to"

"Well I must apologize to intrude your beauty sleep my darling, but I believe there is no quite place where i can work besides here,"

"Do you ever not work?" Lily muttered and realised it but it was to late to retreat her remark, Evan surprisingly only smirked, "I haven't in fact worked for a while, you see I've been occupied for some time this past week,"

Lily couldn't miss the word occupied being what occured this past hours and night, he had made love to her more than once and twice, she hadn't slept for much but surprisngly she had never felt more at rest and throughly sprightly.

He sent her a knowing smile that made her toes curl, "No need to look that dissapointed, I won't ravish you. I have prepared your bath, and breakfast is waiting for us."

what? he possibly couldn't have waited for her.... she didn't think that, but she couldn't help but ask, "Breakfast? Haven't you eaten?"

"No, i was waiting for you"

Her heart warmed, she remembered as a young little girl, writing in her diary who her perfect prince would be, he would be charming, kind and nice... and he most definitely would wait to eat with her, none like the bitter union between her own parents who couldn't stand to be in the same room and ate at different times.

Forcing down her emotions she broke the intense gaze, he looked so devilishly handsome all ruffled and his tanned neckline and buttons unbottened on his chest, his sleeves were rolled to his elbows, he was devilishly handsome

Oh god, was she becoming some crazed doxy who thought nothing else but the touch and sight of a man?

Perhaps, but Lillian wasn't even sure if she wanted her senses back



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