41. Cottage love (THE END)

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chapter 41.

"Because I love you... I love you, woman, do you need me to repeat for i can over and over again"

Her breath caught in her lungs, "You---you can't mean that... you just want me to continue being my sister so the marriage---"

He pressed her tighter, fit his cheek to hers, "Shh... you must not know me well if you think that, I could've seek a divorce to hell with everyone... But i knew i wanted you, even if it was not easy for me to see that, acknowledge it... No i don't want that at all, I want you. I'm so grateful you came here, that you ran away. If you hadn't, I fear I would have made the biggest mistake of my life, by letting you go. I love you, Lillian" He pulled far enough away to meet her eyes. "Shall we start over? Start afresh, no more untruths, no more lies between us?"

could she? could she start afresh with the man who was supposed to hate her?

lifting her head she could see him, and god her heart burst and it felt like an explosion of happiness... he was here... wanted her... wanted her and only her.

"Yes, yes..." she said the words that felt so easy, easier than anything she had ever said.

His lips curved into a sexy smile as he bent to kiss her and bumped his nose against her glasses. He grinned. "I believe we'll start with these. Do you mind?" He set his fingertips against the wire frames.

She shook her head, giving her consent for him to remove them. Closing her eyes as he slid her spectacles free, she quivered at the sweet pressure when his lips merged with her own.

Ah, it had been so long. A lifetime. An eternity. How she wanted him. How she'd missed him. How she loved him. Bliss flowed through her, knowing in that moment she held everything she would ever want right here in her arms. He lifted her, fit her against him as hunger burned betwen them like a bonfire.

Her thoughts scattered, her limbs growing loose and liquid, completely his as she gave everuthing she was into his keeping. He made a sound in the back of his throat that had her sighing against him, "Is there a room in here?" she asked between kisses, his lips smiling against hers, "I damn hope so"

he loosed her only long enough to tug her in his wake, their hands clasped as they raced on shaking legs through the cottage.

All they could think abaout was each other. Being close again. As close as two human beings could possibly be. They undressed one another, slowly, reverently, taking their time to savor the sensations, dwell in the anticipation of the delight they knew was to come.

Seconds slowed to hours as they exchanged long, languid openmouthed kisses. Thoughts wirled, pulses hammered in syncopation. Hands glided in sleek, velvety strokes. Each inch of flesh caressed as it was exposed, clothing fluttering forgotten to the flor.

The fire burned low in the grate, casting a faint chill over the room. Neither of them noticed, too heated in their own inner fires, too lost in mutual passion and pleasure to care.

When they stood naked, he turned her around and reached for the pins in her hair, plucking them free, one at a time. He cast the pins after the clothes, letting them cascade to the carpet in silvery rain. Sinking his fingers into her thick hair, he massaged her scalp until she purred with pleasure. Tingling head to toe, she stood acquisecent, quivering as he combed out her long locks, arranging them down her back, then over her shoulders. He bent his head, trailing kisses over her neck, shoulders as she basked in a heaven of carnal joy, his scent and her own saturating her senses.

"I love you, Lillian"

She came on that single endearment. Her toes curling into the carpeting, shuddering as she gloried under the skill of his touch, as he spoke her name in tones of love and longing.

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