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The fresh smell of blood outstretched its hand to greet my nostrils as the screams from outside continued to invade my attentive ears. I tried to ignore it, but the reality of men and women losing their lives in a battle fueled by the werewolves was one that could not be overlooked.

No matter the number of soldiers we had sacrificing their lives for us, for their people, we knew deep down it wasn't enough to keep the monsters from taking our kingdom as they did many others.

I knew there was no way we could defeat them, they were beasts after all.

Beasts with one intent, which was to kill.

Hope was the only thing keeping me going, and I was fearful that it was only a barrier that subconsciously blinded me from reality. This sense of hope kept us fighting a battle that we knew was already lost.

The hope of freedom.

The hope of living a life without fear of the woods.

Kept us fighting a war that could never be won.

"Zaelah, we can't continue this." I heard my father, Kai, announce from behind me, and his words fueled my actions as I shook my head in disagreement before using the little hope I had left to speak.

"We can, you never know. We might win," I said while facing him as he sat on the couch which was located in the corner of my office.

His curly dark grey hair aligned in power while the bags under his brown eyes were darker than his beautifully melanated chestnut skin, and even though I had told him multiple times to rest he'd never listen to me as his main focus was the ongoing war.

The jeans and shirt he wore were a day old since he had yet to take a shower.

"We both know you don't believe that." He spoke in a tired voice and I decided to stay quiet knowing he was right.

Dear blinding hope.

My eyes latched themselves onto him as he stood moving over to the window.

"And because you don't believe it, you keep the curtains closed to hide the truth from your sight and mind." He stated firmly, leaving my hope to tremble in the warmth of the lies it had fed me.

"You have a decision to make. Hide behind the curtains or face the truth." He added, and his words lifted their hands to further batter my remaining hope before they proceeded to rob the lies it was wrapped in.

My lips fell weak to the ultimatum as it released the words that would be the death of my dear blinding hope.

"Open them."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now