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"Why?" I asked him because I wanted to hear his side of the story like I heard Kai's.

Malik closed the door allowing us to begin our walk down the stairs I loathed.

"He and the other kingdom leaders killed someone very close to me." He replied and my brows met each other, curiously.

"Was it your father?" I inquired and he glanced at me, shaking his head.

"No. I'm not ready to discuss that topic, so next question," Malik conveyed as I led him into the kitchen where the cooks were chatting, but it all ceased when they saw me.

"Good morning, my queen." They all greeted me, bowing.

"Good morning, I trust you've all heard about the soldiers' return?" I questioned them and they all nodded while fixing their postures, "Good, I want you to prepare a feast for them before nightfall."

"We'll get it done at once your highness." The head chef, Helen, declared and I smiled in return.

"Thank you," I replied before shifting my focus onto Malik.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little, do you have an apple?" He asked and I chuckled at this while making my way over to the fridge.

"An apple will satisfy your hunger?" I remarked as I took his request into my hand and as I turned around our faces were an inch away from each other.

"That and a few other things." Malik disclosed softly, removing the apple from my hand before making his way back to the kitchen door, "Thank you."

"Should that have sounded the way it did?" I inquired, walking toward him and he grinned lightly.


I didn't say another word as I moved past him, going outside onto the fields where a few citizens sat, having picnics with their families or playing and smiled faintly at the sight because I remembered a time when that was my family.

"Do you honestly think this relationship will work?" I questioned him when I felt his warmth behind me, letting me know he caught up.

"Yes, but only if we both try. I know you're holding back because of the things I've done in the past." He responded while ignoring the stares we received from everyone.

"Not only in the past, but it's also still happening now," I stated, silently wondering if his memory needed to be jogged.

"I'm doing what needs to be done."

"Yes, I know that's how you see it, but is this really the way? Killing innocents?" I inquired, doing my best to prevent my expression from copying the emotions of my words.

"Everyone is given a choice," Malik articulated while I led him further away from the peering eyes because our conversation was getting slightly heated.

"My kingdom certainly didn't have one."

"Because your kingdom started this. Your grandfather started this when he decided to turn the council against me and kill someone I loved." He voiced, crossing his arms.

Who could my grandfather possibly kill to cause this much chaos?

Who was so important that he'd start wars to avenge them?

"But the new rulers have not done anything to you," I pointed out as I stopped walking once we were out of sight before facing him.

"Zaelah, I've tried to make another peace treaty with each kingdom before I destroyed them, none agreed because of your father's influence." He informed me, making me confused.

"He's no longer in power and you never tried to make a peace treaty with me until I sent the letter." I reminded him.

"We both know that's not true, no matter his title your father will always have power as long as he's alive."

And I knew I couldn't argue with that.

"And I was never planning to spare Aropia." He revealed and his response only added more to my confusion and curiosity about the situation.

"Why did you even come to Aropia if you never planned to spare us?" I asked since nothing about his arrival was making sense.

"I came because of you."

"How could you have possibly known I was here?"

"The letter you sent held your scent. I wanted to go to you the second I received it but I had to wait." He explained and my confusion vacated allowing realisation to enter.

"So if I had never sent that letter we would have never met?"

"We would have. You and your family would have been brought to my kingdom for execution." Malik confessed and it had a frown appearing on my face.

"I guess I should be grateful for this bond then," I replied bitterly, moving back when he tried to come near me and this didn't seem to please him.

"I know this doesn't make it any better, but if you weren't my soulmate neither of you would be executed, you'd just have to watch your father die."

"You're right it doesn't make it better."

"It's the truth Zaelah, and if you decide to come with me today, you'll see I'm not a bad person."

He took a step toward me and this time I didn't back away as I allowed him to hold my waists in his hands.

Maybe this is what I needed.

I needed to go with him and see his world and how he lives as I couldn't speak on something when my views were of the surface of the truth and not of the depths.

"Fine, I'll come."

Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now