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When a human kingdom is conquered, a new leader is appointed.

The werewolves call this individual, 'Alpha'.


Zaelah's P.O.V

Malik's thumb gently brushed the area of my neck the wolf had bitten and I noticed there was a soft frown on his brows at the sight as his eyes travelled to the small wounds against my hands causing him to gently pull up my right sleeve which was also covered in cuts and bandages.

He pulled it down with a sigh and I would have expected him to say something but he stayed quiet as he placed a hand on my waist pulling me closer to him which made me wonder if he knew how much I ached for his touch.

Or was he aching for mine?

"During heat do we need to sleep together?" I asked him since I was not fully ok with the idea of having sex with a man I barely knew because it was such a spiritually act that had the power to bind two souls.

He shook his head looking deeply into my eyes, "We don't have to, but your body will crave for my touch and since you're human you don't have a high pain tolerance like werewolves do. You probably won't be able to survive it without me."

Hearing this had me worried and filled with more questions, but before I could even speak, his eyes were briefly taken over by the colour black and the sight reminded me of ink slipping on paper.

"What was that?" I questioned him and he looked at me confused before realisation washed over his expression.

"I was mindlinking my beta, it's almost time for me to leave," Malik informed me and I frowned softly as I wanted to get to know him further.

I wanted to know his likes, his dislikes but at the same time, I didn't...

He was responsible for the dead soldiers outside, he was the reason so many children lost their mothers and fathers and here I was, cosying up with the enemy like he was my lover.

"What are you thinking about, Zaelah?" Malik asked me and there they were...the butterflies in my stomach, flying around, oblivious to the person they were reacting to and I had to say the realisation I had a few seconds ago almost disappeared due to his sweet voice calling my name, but luckily I was able to focus.

"I...I don't think this will work." I confessed, drawing a deep frown onto his brows.

"Why not?" He inquired and there it was again...that same soft allure his voice held that had the ability to make me lose all my senses.

"You're a murderer. You kill humans just because you can and you've killed so many of my warriors, I can't just brush that off like it's nothing." I told him, "How would that look? The Queen of Aropia ignoring the monstrous things you've done because we're somehow connected."

Malik's frown deepened as he rested his hand upon my cheek and I couldn't find the strength to remove it, "I'm not asking you to ignore them, but I don't kill without a reason. This is revenge, for me and my people."

I was now confused, what could he possibly want revenge for?

My father had always told me the werewolves and humans lived in peace for centuries until the wolves grew hungry for power and so the war began with Malik leading it.

"If anyone deserves revenge is humans, you've torn so much away from us." I defended, crossing my arms as his eyes turned violet, telling me the beast inside him was trying to break free, but he closed them, taking in a deep breath before letting it out, relaxing his body.

Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now