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 An Alkebulan is a person who has the ability to perform spells, make herbs, see the future etc.



I lifted my arm to shield my eyes from the beaming rays of the golden sun in an attempt to allow them to get slowly accustomed to the bright light.

I hesitated to look down at the battle before me but I knew I could no longer avoid it. My orbs fell recklessly down to the scene below that was the resting place for dead bodies and the echoes of terrifying and fearful screams.

I took in the thousands of soldiers fighting the giant beasts we called werewolves.

A few fled as their weapons were ripped away from their holds but none got too far as their heads were the next thing being taken.

Here lies my dear blinding hope.

"We have to stop this," My father stated firmly and I swallowed hard while turning back to face him.

"How? If you haven't realised father, there is no stopping this. The werewolves grant no mercy." I remarked, earning nothing but silence from him while the sound of war continued behind our conversation.

"Maybe we can have a conversation with their leader?" He suggested, reviving my sense of hope.

"How would we do that? The wolves don't seem exactly welcoming and the Naya kingdom has already tried talking to them," I explained, wondering if he had forgotten the reality of our situation.

"Queen Krystal died on the spot," I recalled as the memory of the story being told to me of her head being departed from her body stood in my mind.

"You're right," He mumbled as I redirected my gaze to the window once again to see two Alkebulans doing their best to heal the soldiers whilst attempting to defend themselves.

That's when it hit me.

"We can have one of the Alkebulans send the invitation via magic to avoid any deaths."

"Can that be done?"

"I believe it can,"

"Let's go, we don't have much time. Our soldiers won't be able to keep this up for much longer." He nodded, not hesitating to walk out of my office with me on his trail.


We entered the Alkebulans' quarter that was located on the second floor of the palace to be greeted by the sight of four Alkebulans who were busy healing several soldiers.

Only a small majority of Alkebulans lived in Aropia due to the fact that they had offered to help us with the war, but usually they were souls that preferred the company of their own people.

"Is everything alright, my queen?" Nina, the head Alkebulan, inquired while bowing her head out of respect.

The armour she was currently dressed in told me that she had been out helping in the waging war along with the dried blood and dirt that were present in her 4A auburn hair.

"We need your help with something," I explained as her silver eyes met mine.

"What do you need?" She asked in a curious tone as a frown melted on her features, and I immediately gestured for her to follow me.

I allowed my strides to lead away from the watchful gazes that were present in the room so I could offer her the idea my mind had developed.

"We want to talk to King Malik," I expressed the second our steps had come to a halt.

"You do know what happened to Naya's que-"

"We won't contact him directly. I want you to send a letter to him via magic." I interrupted, giving her time to reflect on my request.

"I'll do anything to stop this war since our barriers already proved to be useless against them." She agreed while reminding me of our failed attempt to lock the werewolves out of the kingdom because we had forgotten to take into consideration that they had Alkebulans of their own who could undo a barrier spell.

"I just need his location." She explained, leaving me to glance over at my father.

"The last we heard he has taken refuge at the Drago palace if that helps." He informed her.

"That will make the spell easier, but I'll need something else to make sure the letter gets to him. Follow me." Nina instructed and we did, allowing her to lead us into a room filled with different kinds of ingredients.

I closed the door behind us with the intention of blocking out any interruptions before transferring my gaze onto Nina to find her busy going through the shelves.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, watching her with a look of curiosity that matched my tone.

"Wolfskin, my brothers and sisters were able to collect some while in battle," Nina explained briefly as she took a jar off the shelf.

"Werewolves are all connected just like my people and I, so this small sample of wolf skin is linked to Malik and will allow my spell to be more precise."

"That was the complete opposite of what we originally thought." My father mumbled from beside me.

"We couldn't have known that our beliefs were lacking the right information," I told him while keeping my eyes on Nina who was now busy laying out a map of the kingdoms against a wooden table.

"Queen Zaelah, I'll need the letter soon." She announced while keeping her eyes trained on her task and off me.

Her words killed any sense of hesitancy in my body, leaving me to quickly get all that was needed before penning my letter, which I hoped would save my kingdom.

Dear King Malik,

I'm writing this letter to request a meeting between our two kingdoms in hopes to put an end to the war. If you decide to accept this request, tell your men and women to stand down tomorrow at sundown.

I'll be expecting your arrival then. If you decide not to, the war will continue tomorrow without a halt.

The Queen Of Aropia,

Zaelah Zaba von Aropia de la Balo

I folded it neatly before handing it to Nina, who placed it onto the small image of the Drago kingdom to represent the location. She uncovered the jar filled with the wolfskin and blood, placing it above the map before closing her eyes.

"Buebe ah luaone Drago, Buebe ah luaone Drago." She chanted causing the wolfskin to rise from the jar.

The contents that once filled the jar surrounded each other before they went to either side of my letter.

The blood began to circulate the letter as she continued to chant in her home language which was not understood by me.

"Buebe ah luaone Drago, Buebe ah luaone Drago." I watched as the letter sank into the map disappearing from sight, and the only thing that remained was the wolfskin.

Nina opened her eyes slowly before meeting my inquisitive gaze.

"Did it work?" I questioned her.

"It worked."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now