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Loeinas are creatures whose appearance is a mixture of a shark and a mermaid. They were created by the Alkebulans to protect their island but most have strayed from the land.


Zaelah's P.O.V

"I don't believe his actions go unprovoked. Why would he decide to just break the peace treaty without reason? Especially since he has nothing to gain from us humans." I questioned him, expressing my views on the situation, though my question didn't seem to please Kai.

"You really don't want to accept the fact that he's just a cold-blooded killer, do you?" He asked me.

"I don't know what to believe. Apparently, you knew Malik before all of this and you failed to mention it, so, why should I believe a word you say?" I remarked, crossing my arms with an even deeper frown than before.

"You will believe me because I am your father." He responded, pulling a smile of amusement from me.

"You certainly don't act like it, but you know what I don't understand?"


"I don't get why you agreed to let me invite him here, why you pretended like you didn't know him personally. Are you plotting something?" I inquired since everything he did up to this point didn't make any sense.

Kai had to be planning some kind of vengeance because it was obvious that the hatred he had for Malik was still very present—I mean he did ask me to help him kill the man and he was willing to kill me to hurt him.

Kai's lips pressed together as he decided to stay quiet letting me know my suspicions were accurate.

"I hope you realize what you're doing, starting a war again won't end well for you or this family."

That was all I said before I turned my attention to my sister who was quietly watching our exchange.

"Ariella, could you please tell the architects to start designing the remodel of the villages and towns? The builders need something to work with before the citizens get impatient." I requested and she gave me a nod, about to leave but paused last second.

"Alright, but you'll have to tell me about Malik later." She demanded and I allowed a sigh to escape my lips.

"Fine," I replied and my response had her smiling as she left the room with our little brother trailing after her, but the door didn't even get a chance to close since someone else entered.

"What's the matter, Nina?" I inquired as she bowed, causing her auburn-coloured hair to fall against her strong cheeks.

"I've received a letter from the Violeia kingdom," Nina announced, allowing her orbs to greet mine while she stood.

She snapped her fingers causing a violet envelope to appear in her hand which she immediately passed to me and I looked down at the envelope that was sealed with Violeia's royal insignia.

I carefully opened the letter, permitting my orbs to read its contents.


Dear Queen Zaelah,

I've written this letter to ask for your help in forming a peace treaty with the werewolves like you have.

I'm with child and I cannot risk the life of Violeia's heir, but after the werewolves have defeated the Lumarineyans, we Violeians will be next.

All I want is the guarantee that my child will be safe and I hope you can grant me that assurance.

Your Friend,

Queen Celeste


I let out a disheartening sigh once I finished the letter because I knew I could not help her. At least from the few minutes I spent with Malik, it was exceedingly clear he would not spare another kingdom's life since the disdain he held for the humans ran years deep.

"Please write a letter back to Queen Celeste expressing my greatest sorrows. Tell her, I'm unable to help her and that the werewolves stopping their aggression against Aropia was pure luck...luck I'm sure won't happen twice." I instructed her and I caught a slight frown at my response, but she handed me a nod.

"I'll get it done right away, your highness." She informed me.

When Nina exited the room, my attention went back to my parents who were talking in a hushed tone.

"Mom please go get some rest," I told her, drawing a frown onto her brows, letting me know she was ready to protest, but before she could speak I interrupted, "I'll be fine, I just need to read a few paperwork and sign some things."

"Alright, but if you need help don't hesitate to ask. Come on Kai, let's not distract her anymore." My mother replied, looking like she didn't want to leave, but soon she and Kai left the office while I took a seat around my desk.

I gazed at the documents before me, trying to comprehend the words on the paper but they would not register because the thoughts regarding Malik that I had been suppressing all day, rose.

I was beyond conflicted about how I would proceed with our relationship because it was a very complicated situation, but it shouldn't have been as my feelings for him weren't exactly authentic since it was caused by the bond, though it felt so real.

Even though I'd never admit it out loud, I wanted to continue my relationship with him but I also knew that if I did, I would lose all the respect I had in my kingdom and gain fear and hatred in return.

My father was living proof of that.

I groaned in frustration as my mind reminded me of all the things Malik had done in the past and the present. It was like my brain was telling me not to ignore his actions, but it seemed impossible to condemn him when it felt like my heart already belonged to him.

I could only hope that the lives he took were justifiable, but what could possibly justify the death of innocents?

I could not bear to imagine the fear that filled the children in each of the fallen kingdoms as they heard the screams of their parents while they awaited their deaths with each scared breath, wondering what they could have done to prevent it.

I was trying so hard to understand what happened in the past to shape the person Malik had become today, but I was left with nothing more than questions—questions I hoped he'd answer when he came back.

I didn't have the chance to think further about him as my office door opened revealing Darrelle.

"Hey, I'm not disturbing you, am I?" He asked me and I shook my head giving him a smile to assure him it was fine.

"No, it's alright," I told him, gesturing for him to come inside.

"How are you?" He questioned me while closing the door.

"I'm good, very tired, but good. How about you? Are you feeling better?" I inquired and he gave me a shrug.

"That depends entirely on your definition of better." He commented and I permitted a soft chuckle to escape me while my eyes watched him take a seat in front of my desk.

"I never got to ask you, how did you get back here? How did you escape the werewolves in Gayaun?" I questioned him, showing my curiosity.



Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now