Not a chapter but please help me #2

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Hello, dear readers.

It's nice to see you again.

I thank you all who read this fic.

Now, I have some concerns, questions, and dilemmas.

Before that, I would like to give my thanks to the readers who have been giving me some ideas and suggestions.

Thank you very much to NiDanica (ao3), JaydeRayne (ao3), Zhenxi (ao3), gillianmarihq (ao3), SlackerLifeIsnoWhere (Wattpad), preditione_s (Wattpad), S3ansean (Wattpad), FalseKingofSins (Wattpad).

You all have been providing me with wonderful ideas.

Couple with some I researched myself, I had some dilemmas regarding what to choose.


Constellations names;

God of Death :

1. Seer of death

2. Harbinger of death

3. Master of curses

4. The curtain of shadow

5. Monarch of Death

6. Everlasting demise

7. The essence of death

8. A heartfelt death

Goddess of Sun

1. Divinity of Sun

2. Light that welcomes all

3. Inextinguishable light

4. Righteous light of judgment

God of War

1. Strongest warlock

2. One who razes the battlefield

3. Monarch of war

4. Ruler of the battlefield

5. Dominator of the battlefield

God of Despair

1. Agent of anguish

2. Killer of hope

3. Destroyer of hope

4. Harbinger of despair

5. Patron of misery

God of Hope

1. Giver of hope

2. One who gives the strength to look forward

3. The expectation for future

4. The seed of hope

5. The dawn giver

God of Balance

1. Balance justice

2. Keeper of scales

3. The law of stability

God of Protection (Super Rock)

1. Shield of the weak

2. One who protects all

3. One who stands up against the evil

4. Guardian of the boulder

5. Ultimate defense

6. Protector of weak

God of Purification (Cheap Stake)

1. Bloody death thunder

2. The fire of purification

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