Ch14- Introverts vs Extroverts

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Author's note;

It has been a long time~

And... I'm really sorry for not updating...


Ahem... this chapter was short and hasn't been edited so, if you see any errors, please notify me. I rushed this chapter. And, I wanted to update this first. Considering I haven't updated for many days.

Also, you can suggest me some ideas. I was lost for some days, and thinking of what to write, then, ended up not writing at all. Thank you so much for your kind comments! They gave me strength! I was feeling empty these days. Truly, thank you.

This chapter was a little short tho...

Still, there are new characters


They are my own characters.

I'm sorry for the people in the discord server I created.

I don't use discord often, actually, 'often' is a fancy word. Before, like once a month? I left it alone for two years. So, I don't know how to make it fun like other servers- something I was in part of but is a ghost. I don't know how to use it, honestly. I'm sorry *bows

If you want to, you can quit it anytime.

Well, stopping this gloomy speech, please enjoys your treat





Oh, dear heaven above!

How could someone like this exist!?

How could heaven grace them with someone like this?

Won't all the goodness from heaven come along with this angel?

Perhaps, the gods really hadn't abandoned them...

Seo Soo Yun thought, barely holding her tears in sheer gratitude as she looked at the sickly pale red hair man with blood dripping down his chin at the front who had a silver light coming out from his outstretched hand and a holy looking silver shield withstanding the attack from a monster.

After they left the Gumho station...

"Where are we going?" Park Changmin was carrying a bag with a spear in his hand- given to him by our dear Cale-nim.

At his question, others look toward Cale for the answers.


Cale opened his mouth, looking around at the same time.

Above the world, no, heaven? That's wrong either. In the universe? In a celestial space? Anyway, in a place filled with a variety of stars, the universe itself like a background, and meteorites floating around, a man stood out.

It was like the man appeared out of nowhere.

It was a strange sight. Calling it bizarre would be a better choice. No human beings who have ever stepped out into space have ever seen something like this. Can a man, a human, not be swayed by the pulling of gravity without the usage of a spacesuit? The answer would be 'no'. Next, fear would creep in, then, anxiety is inevitable. Because they don't know who or what this monster wearing human skin is. Humans are always afraid of the unknown. However, this 'being' wouldn't care whether others are scared of him or not. Nor, what others think about him.

In his gorgeous yet eerie eyes like a whole galaxy is contained in it, only coldness, no, not coldness- this is indifference. Indifference that disregards the lives of others. Indifference that doesn't care about anything and everything. Coldness is a type of emotion. And this man only has indifference, he doesn't even seem to have a silver of emotion.

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