Before it all

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It's been almost five years since the breakup. Since the humiliation.

I took it rough the first year. Closed myself off. From everyone. Friends and family.

I coped that way.

That was four years and a couple of months ago.

Now? I couldn't be more content with my life at the moment.

I have my job, family, friends. Most of all I'm single and do whatever the hell I want.

Without someone breathing down my neck. Without someone being insecure.

Without someone not wanting me to work nights because it's to late. Or have friends or family because he is all I need.

So yeah I'm thriving right now in my life.

Before I dated him I use to write people overseas. I would get assigned a person.

I would sometimes send them box's filled with whatever they needed.

We would text, email anything. I would be there for them when they needed to talk.

Of course sometimes things would kinda get weird. They would want more. Want pictures.

I wasn't into all that. So I would stop texting,writing. Or talk to someone in charge to get someone else.

But it's been almost five years since I'm done that. And I can say I've missed it.

Of course there is the always worrying about your person. Worried if they will make it home safe or not.

Worrying if they are doing okay over there. So it's definitely not an easy task.

In my honest opinion.

Anyways the whole point of me saying all that is because well I'm currently getting assigned to a person.

I'm excited.

Seeing that I have a new email I click on it.

They have sent the name and age of my new person. Also their pen number.


Authors note:

This is a super short chapter. Just to introduce the story a little.

This story will be mostly Emails/letters.

Some chapters will be in the MFC pov.

Starting next chapter will be the E-mails. Once they meet there probably won't be any more letters nor emails.

Just because that part of the story will be over.

Much love


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