October 31, 2018

943 31 1

October 31st, 2018
12:34 pm

Darling Addie,

Happy Halloween My dearest Adeline.

                                                   Your Gray.

November 1st, 2018
6:43 am

Darling Addie,

I'm not sure why but they are letting us email and call everyone today.

Which is odd because well we just sent two out yesterday.

Not that I'm complaining. I get to email you back faster.

That's all that matters to me.

When I talked to Isabel she told me all about how happy she is that she made a new friend.


She likes you. She declared you as her best friend. She said since she doesn't talk to many people you bump everyone.

Told her she couldn't take you away from me. ;)

I just wouldn't allow it.

She would have to go through me first, in order for that to happen. Just like anyone else.

I also got the box you sent me.

I'll cherish this one just like the other one.

Thank you again.

The food and clothes will come in handy. Not just for me but everyone down here.

You can never have your own things so mostly everyone shares.

I like the pumpkin decorations you sent. My buddies also like the baskets you made for them.

They all said " Thank you Adeline." With these big ugly ass smiles on their faces.

I think they're in love with you. I don't blame them.
They just don't get the pleasure of actually getting to know you.

I don't know what I ever did right in my life to get to know you, but I'm glad, fuck that I'm honored to have known you.

Whether it be because of these emails or not.

I'd love to have been able to meet you but I'll take whatever I can get.

I'm getting sidetracked. You do that to me.

Thank you for the box my Addie. Means a lot.

They are granting permission for my buddy to go home. He leaves tomorrow.

He is finally able to be home with his kids. It's where he belongs.

Just told him you said congratulations. He smiled and said thanks.


Kids. If my woman wanted kids, I would gladly give her kids. In a heartbeat.

I of course want kids. I didn't at first because of how I grew up.

I didn't want to become my parents but now?

I will use that motivation if I have kids. To be better than they could have ever been.

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