September 4, 2018

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September 4th, 2018
12:56 pm

Dearest Grayson,

Thank for you the compliment. No know has ever said they like my name.

I think it's kinda basic. So thank you Grayson.

Would it fine with you give I just called you Gray?

If not that's totally fine. I just thought..

Hell I don't know what I thought.

Thank you for respecting my decision on not talking about my ex.

I'll tell you the whole story soon. That's going to be a long story.

I'll tell you in our next email. :)

Good, because I don't want to send you my socks. Why are you so sure they stink?

They could smell like roses for all you know.

Yes I think that's why I just have flings here and there.

After my last relationship it kinda messed me up. I wasn't ready to commit it another person.

Without knowing if they truly commit to me as well. Once I'm in a relationship I'm all in.

Oh, speaking of I'm actually going to go on a date.

I'm kinda nervous. I haven't been on one in awhile. It's with my friends brother.

His name is Jackson. I don't think I'm going to like him. He just doesn't seem like the one for me. You know?

I'm not sure when I'm going but I'll keep you updated on how it goes. Thumps up it goes okay.

Fingers crossed.

Cheating is horrible.

With your friend? Wow. People just don't care these days I see.

That's messed up on both accounts. Her for doing it. Him for allowing it.

It's a two way street. She could have told him no she is in a relationship. He could've done the same.

I'm sorry to hear about that.

Yeah my friend was actually there when everything went down with my ex.

He did a few things to him... I tried to stop it of course.

Not for my ex, but for my friend. I didn't want anything to happen to him.

Ugh work.

So get this I work in a office right? So it's mainly men who I work with.

There are women here and there but it's mostly men. So I'm friends with all the girls.

We have to stick together. In that office and in the real world.

Anyways we had a meeting. The higher ups you could say. So there are like six men and three women. Including me.

Anyways the one guy his name is mark. He is a complete ass.

He wanted us Women to leave because we "don't have what it takes" since we are women.

He kept going on and on how women can't do things men can do. How we are weak minded.

And more things. It was horrible. I have a very short temper.

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