September 23, 2018

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September 23, 2018
3:21 pm

Dear Adeline,

I'm glad she is feeling better now. How long did it last?

I can imagine that being sick as a kid is way harder than when you're older.

I don't usually get sick but when I do it's typically a bad sick.

So I'm glad it wasn't with her for awhile. Hopefully you don't get whatever it was.

You should start calling him that. Matter of fact you shouldn't call him anything. Because you shouldn't be worried or thinking about it.


I'm glad I have your support then, Addie.

I didn't forget. Not when it comes to you.

I don't think I could forget one single thing you say. It's hard to. I remember everything. Since our first email together.

Seems like long ago but it honestly wasn't.

I'm glad you were able to spend the day on your own then with Abby. I'm sure you deserve it. Both of you girls.

You sure you don't want to give me his last name? It's just for like educational purposes. I won't do anything. :)

I'm glad you are over him. They both don't deserve you. At all.

I'm sure we can both find mutual grounds when it comes to you. I would make sure he liked me. For friend purposes of course.

I'm glad Abby is getting a father figure from them. That's good.

As you and I both know it's not easy not having a father figure going up.

Or having a good father figure. They are helping her more than they realize.

I can be your bodyguard if you want. Just say the word and I'm there.

Anything for you. :)

You could tell me to climb the highest mountain for you and I'd do it. In a heartbeat.

With a smile on my damn face.

I'm glad you have your brother and friend. That's good.

You know you never told me his name. What is it? I'm curious.

Favorite food? Hmm

Street tacos. Meaning Mexican tacos. The best.

I don't mean no Taco Bell tacos. No I mean real tacos.


What's yours? Hopefully something good.

Favorite sport? If you are into that.



September 24th, 2018
4:23 pm

Dearest Grayson,

She was only sick for two days. So she is all better today.

Trust me I don't think about him at all. I only did because we were on the ex topic.

Did I tell you that I seen him? Or more like he came to see me?

Yeah I think Abby really did enjoy it.

I don't forget anything about you either. Just so you know.

I'm most definitely not giving you his last name. You are lucky to even know his first name.

Gray the bodyguard. Has a nice ring to it huh?

His name is Theo. Truly is a sweetheart.

I grew up eating Mexican food. Seeing as I'm Mexican.

So I definitely see your love for tacos. They are good.

Okay mine is pretty basic for me to have eaten a lot of food.

But there is just something about enchiladas that just make my mouth water.

Pozole as well. I just think there is too many foods from me to pick from.

Sport? Hmm definitely baseball. I love the sport. I love to watch and play it.

My brother actually played for a little while in his younger years.

I think that's where my love came from. Now I love baseball.

I try to go to a game at least once every season. It's a must to me.

If I can't then I try my hardest to watch my team on tv. Sometimes I can't with everything that goes on.

My brother was actually pretty good at it as well.

What's yours?

Do you believe in second chances? Why or why not?

This should be interesting....

I feel like we will have the same point of view on this. If not then don't mind that I even said this. Ha ha.


                                       Yours truly,
                                                             Addie. Xxx



Authors note:

I haven't written a chapter in awhile so this one is short and kinda off.

I got sidetracked.

I watched 'Don't worry darling' today. It just came out Friday which was like a day ago.

So that was fun.

Anyways y'all I had my months wrong I forgot about October and thought November was right after September😭

So October is going to be the better month. I'm ready for them to meet. Sooo bad.

Like I already know how it's going to happen and why.

I already have it planned in my head. I may start writing it just to get ideas.

(Update two days after I wrote this. I added more than 200 words to this chapter. It was WAYY to short.)

Love you.


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