October 4, 2018

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October 4th, 2018
12:34 pm

Dear Addie,

Yeah it usually takes awhile for us to receive boxes from people.

Oh so you want other people? Way to damage my ego dearest Adeline.

Over my dead body will they get your information.

I'm glad you're content with who you have. Seeing as it's me. I'm content as well. ;)

I'll have you for as long as you'll stay. I'm hoping it awhile.

Even after I go home. I hope we can stay in contact.

Again, I won't have a problem flying wherever he is and talk some sense into him.

If you know what I mean....

That's my girl.

I'm proud of you for telling him what you did. :)

I'm glad Thomas and Theo were there for you. And got there as soon as possible.

If it happens again, I'm hoping I can be there.

Do you think we would ever meet in person?

If you just let me know his last name you wouldn't ever have to deal with him again.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings Addie. ):

But it's the truth. No I don't necessarily watch sports on my leave.

I usually try to go out have fun. Hang out with my sister, close friends.

I don't get that over there. I also try to sleep in since we wake up early over here.

My body doesn't ever let me. It's to use to the time I wake up.

I'm glad we can agree on something.

I definitely agree and understand what you mean about right person wrong time.

I also think that if it was the right person wouldn't you do anything and everything for the timing to be right?

But then I know if you force it , it will mess up the relationship before it even starts.

I think a lot goes into a relationship to make it work. But then your relationship shouldn't feel like a job.

It should come easy. Then again there will be hardship in every relationship that's just the way it goes.

Marriage? That's a good question.

I take marriage very seriously. I think it's something that shouldn't be taken so lightly.

I use to think it was just signatures on a piece of paper.

When I was little I lived with my mom and her husband. Dad left when I was a kid. Then came back got ma pregnant with my sister and left again.

So growing up the only relationships I seen was my mom and dad then my ma and her husband.

They both weren't great relationship advocates.

My dad was a complete jack ass. My moms husband was horrible.

Abusive in every way you could think of. I had to take on the role of protecting my sister.

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