August 28, 2018

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August 28th, 2018
9:56 am

Dearest Grayson,

Okay time to reply to EVERYTHING.

It's very understandable why people would want to stay on the phone or computer when they get the chance.

I mean after all it's not like you can talk to that person every second of the day. So I understand.

I think the breakup story is for another time. :)

It's kinda embarrassing? At least for him. But then it's humiliated for me.

I just don't understand some humans at all. Don't think I ever will.

Well I'm glad you decided to put yourself out there.

You must think you're funny. No Grayson I didn't send him socks. :)

Why are you asking because you want some? Goodness I would hope not.

Yes, like a fling. Only last what a night? That sounds horrible.

What's up with these cheaters? I will NEVER understand. Doesn't make sense to me.

Can I ask how you found out? If you don't want to share I completely understand.

Yeah I know not ever military men are the same. Or men in general.

Hard to not believe that sometimes though.

No me and my friend never did anything. He is like I guess a best friend? No like a brother.

He was actually there for me when I went through my breakup.

Let's just say it wasn't very pretty for my ex.

So November is when we cut ties I guess. We still have a little time.

Kinda. It's already almost September. We will make the best of it.

Work has been kicking my ass. Sorry I don't know if you are okay with that language. Ha.

I know what you mean about the whole escape thing. It didn't come off weird at all.

I use books for my escape. You should try it. It's not for everyone but it wonderful.

It's like you enter a whole different world. You become the characters you know?

You feel everything they feel. It's truly beautiful.

I'm sorry it's been rough out there. I know that must not be easy. But you're doing it.

That question isn't offensive at all. Of my own? No. But my sisters daughter is under my care.

My sister passed and I was her daughters God mother so I got her.

She is Five years old. Beautiful. She brings me joy. I try my hardest to make sure she remembers her mom.

For the most part she does. I guess I'm just scared as she gets older she may forget. I don't ever want to replace my sister.

Do you have kids?

I'm not that good at coming up with questions either.

(I use the internet sometimes.) shhh our secret.

It's not really a secret. I'm sure everyone does that. Maybe even you sometimes.

If I could travel anywhere? Hmm. Interesting question.

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