November 3, 2018

971 28 1

November 3rd, 2018
2:34 am

Darling Addie,

You're the lucky one? No, that's all for me, Addie.

I get lucky when I check my emails and I see your name pop up.

That's lucky.

See and that's the difference you like when you get multiple emails from me but me?

I love when I get a lot of emails from you.

How is work going? Being meaning to ask.

Also, how is Abby doing? Wanted to ask that as well.

Time went by slowly for me. Which is normal for me. Feels like I haven't been home in years.

Not sure if I'm leaving on time. I'm hoping I do, I'm ready to finally be home.

No, they haven't brought up my leave. Which is again normal.

They don't usually talk to bring it up. They know when we are scheduled to leave.

But it doesn't always happen the way we want it to. Things happen so sometimes we have to be held back for a little longer.

I'm sure most of us are used to it. I'll keep you updated on my leave.

I'm glad you feel that way towards my sister. That's all I want is for you guys to be able to bond.

No they don't have beautiful smiles.

Their fucking ugly.

Yeah, my buddy is already gone. I will miss him. He was a little bit older than us all.

I already told him, after I leave I'll go visit him. I'll fly out to where he lives.

I told him to just keep us all updated on his whole situation.

I will never understand to the extent that you women do on the whole body issue.

I understand and I agree and I stand with you guys. At the same time since I'm not a woman I don't know what you guys deal with.

I'll never understand it to the full extent that you all do. For that I apologize.

Just know I agree with you.

It is your body. Y'all's body. Only you have that power over your body.

Not anyone else. Not men.

I also agree with your forms of cheating. Of course if I didn't agree that wouldn't matter because it's how you feel, not me.

But I do feel the same way about the cheating thing.

I hope one day I get to experience my little girl wanting to talk to me.

Or my son talking to me.

I'll get to Experience it one day. Whenever that may be.

Theo? Your friend? I know that sucked.

Yeah I've sent both messages to the wrong person. I just try to play it off.

Nothing for me to be embarrassed about. It's just a message to me.

A lot of people do it.

I definitely don't listen to podcasts. I don't want to hear someone's voice talking in my ear.

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