August 15, 2018

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August 15th, 2018
6:23 pm

Dear Adeline,

You haven't emailed me in awhile.

I don't know if I should be worried. Or if you just decided to drop this whole thing.

If I said anything that may have upset you I apologize on my behalf.

Are you alright? Please get back to me as soon as possible.


August 18th, 2018
2:34 pm

Dear Adeline,

It's been more days since last time. I'm a little worried over here.

I hope you are okay and everything is going okay down there.

I hope you receive this email.

Please get back to me as soon as possible.



August 21st, 2018
1:00 pm

Dear Adeline,

After this email I'll leave you alone.

I'm assuming either something is wrong or as I already said you decided to drop this whole thing.

If that's the case then thank you for the two emails? I'm not sure.

It took my mind off a few things during those short emails.

And if something is wrong I hope it goes well. And gets better.

Until next time.



August 23rd, 2018
10:34 am

Dearest Grayson,


I'm so so sorry. It has been the absolute worst. Well it's been worse so let me stop being dramatic.

I'm pretty good at being dramatic. Which isn't good in some aspects.

Anyways I'm sorry once again.

I got logged out on my email. It wouldn't let me back in. I tried everything.

Kept telling me my password was wrong. Which honestly I don't think it was.

Plus I had it written down. So I think the technology was wrong this time.

Anyways it logged me out on my phone and computer so I had no way to contact you.

Plus work has been BUSY lately. I was a little behind on my work.

I'm all caught up now. Thankfully.

Anyways I was going to contact you on my work email. But then I was like well that would give away where I live and work.

So I decided against it. You could be a killer for all I know.

Plus I didn't know your email to even do so.

I'm sorry to have worried you. You said nothing wrong. So no need to apologize.

I wouldn't just up and stop emailing you. I would at least talk it through and let you know.

I awould like to think I'm a noble person.

I actually have a lot to reply to from the last email  you sent before I went MIA.

Again sorry for that.

Stupid technology. I will probably just sent this email and wait till you email me back to send another one.

Replying to everything on the other email.

                                     Yours truly,
                                                            Adeline. Xxx


August 26th, 2018
3:00 pm

Dear Adeline,

Long time no see stranger. Joking.

I'm sorry about your email. I was worried for awhile.

If after I sent the last email. I'm glad you were able to log back in.

How did you do so? Also I'm sure it was the technology.... ;)

I'm glad you chose against the work email. I'm not a killer or anything but it was the smart decision.

Plus I don't think we have hit that point in our friendship to know all that.

I guess I'll be waiting for that long email. As I said it helps me not think about another things going on around me.

Sorry for all the emails I sent. I didn't realize how many I sent.

I look forward to your next email.

Until next time.




Authors note:

I'm sorry for the short chapter. But the next email is going to be long. So I didn't want to add it to this chapter.

I think it would make it tooooo long. And most time I don't like long chapters when I read so yk.

To skip some time I had her not respond so time could I guess fly by.

Now we are already at the end of august. September they will talk a LOT.

There won't be a time where they really aren't talking.

I can't wait for them to meet. 🫶

Thoughts on it all??

Love you.


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