November 7th, 2018

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November 7th, 2018
6:50 am

Darling Adeline,

I'm glad my emails seem to make you feel better.

I hope you know your emails make my entire week. I always look forward to your emails.

I'm sorry to hear about your tea and clothes. I'm sorry, I'm sure that didn't start your day off to a good start.

Well good, I'm glad you had easy Access to clothing. I hope it didn't cost so much.

Good thing people that were in your path were actually nice and helpful.

I know some people can be jackass sometimes.

Sweetheart, you don't have to thank me for caring.

You should never have to thank someone for caring. No one should.

I should thank you for giving me something to care about. Someone to cherish. Someone who makes me happy. Makes me smile.

Most of all for being you.

You have made me the happiest man, with just your emails.

My dearest Adeline you have brought light into my life that I didn't know existed.

Light that I didn't even know I needed, until you came.

Light that now that I have it, I won't let go of it.

I know I have expressed this before but, I'm delighted everything at work is working out.

Seems the problem all leads back to the person who was fired.

Sometimes kids won't like quality time. Sometimes they just want to be left alone but I can promise you she will love you for it later on.

Giving them their space as well. Don't over crowd them.

Yeah actually I do have an update on him.

His ex wife keeps trying to come around actually. She Constantly calls him. They have a home phone line , she also calls that phone.

He is working on getting a new phone number for both of them.

His kids are doing much better. Finally putting on some more weight. They were a little unweight, from the lack of food.

I'm just glad the court sees her as being a unfit mother at the moment.

I know most time the court will side with the parent who is the one who is unfit.

I just hope she gets herself to together, heals from whatever she has going on.

Then she can be in these kids lives.

Everyone needs their mom. At least at times they do.

Once you get use to not having a mom or day you soon get use to it.

I don't want that for them. They deserve the world.

Anything involving me is your business.

There is no boundaries when it comes to you my dearest Adeline.

None at all. Ask anything.

I've sent messages like that to people I was in a relationship with.

There is nothing wrong with sent those type of messages. Just make sure you trust that person to some instant.

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