September 26, 2018

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September 26th, 2018
10:00 pm

Dearest Grayson,

Are you okay? I'm a little worried over here.

This is usually the day you email me back. I look forward for it so I know. Does that sound weird?

Anyways I even waited till night to even send this email to you.

Just please get back to me as soon as possible.

Yours truly,


September 27th, 2018
11:00 pm

Dearest Grayson,

It's been another day. It doesn't help my worry that I know what you do.

I'm going a little crazy over here. Just let me know you're okay.

Sooner than later. Hopefully.

Yours truly,
Adeline. Xxx



It's been days since my last email from Grayson. I know that may not seem like a lot to most people but it is to me.

He usually emails me back within two days. That was our normal.

I started to email him back the next day. I just didn't want to seem like I don't know clingy in a way.

That's probably sounds dumb. I don't necessarily like this.

I feel like I'm starting to like him. I can't. I can't like him.

I don't even know how this man looks.

I just feel like I get along with him good. He also seems like he actually cares.

He probably doesn't even feel the same way so I should just stop. Right?

I don't know.

"Hello earth to Adeline." Theo says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Move. Your. Fingers. Now." He moves them away. Putting his hands up.

"You weren't listening. Where did you disappear to?" He looks at me with such curiosity that I want to mess with him. Just a little.

" I was just thinking of how it would be if I told you I was in love with you." He spits his drink out.

He looks at me. Then stands up and walks out the coffee shop.

I pick up my drink and follow him.

"Adeline take that back. Please. If you don't we can't go back to our normal selves. And I love you but you're not my type. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings." He looks at me like he is in pain.

I just lose it. I bust out laughing. Holding my stomach because of the pain.

My cheeks starts to hurt from smiling and laughing so hard.

"What's funny?" He looks around. People stop to look at us then continue walking.

Some of them even start to look at us but then I see Theo giving them the death stare and they walk away.

Letters to GraysonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant