Chapter 2: New Changes

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   A doctor was rushed over in the morning, and as you lay in your bed, getting checked by the doctor, you wondered if you could ask your parents to leave you alone with the doctor.

   " She seems to be doing perfectly fine. She has no fever, and her breathing isn't irregular. Have you been stressed lately? " 

The doctor took his hand away from your forehead, and you opened your mouth to respond but quickly shut it as your mother spoke for you.

   " She has been planning a wedding. She is engaged to Lord Isembart and to be married in a month. But, unfortunately, she was also in the rain last night."

   ' Yes, mother, the doctor was talking to you. '

You rolled your eyes before looking back to the doctor. The doctor nodded his head, started packing away his items, and stood before your parents.

   " Then, it might be stress that has caused her fainting spell. She might need some time out of the house and on her own. Spend time with friends, and other loved ones, before her marriage. Being married is a great deal of pressure, so she might need some time to relax. "

   " Yes, thank you doctor. "

The doctor bowed his head to your parents before your father walked with the doctor out of the house to discuss payments. Your mother, however, stayed in your room and looked at you with an unreadable expression.

   " I told you, that you would get sick standing in the rain. "

   " Mom, the doctor just said I fainted due to stress. He said nothing about me being sick. "

   " Well you must be sick, if your acting like this to your mother. "

   " Acting like what? "

   " Like you are right now, with attitude. Sweety your father and I care about you, so much, so please leave the wedding planning to me today, and get some rest. "

You shook your head and pulled the sheets off the bed, revealing your legs and the lower part of your nightgown. Then, you stepped out of bed and walked towards your closet, so you wouldn't have to face your mother.

   " I'm going to go visit Cecilia and Genevive. "

   " Didn't you hear what the doctor said? He said you needed rest--"

   " And to spend time with friends. As well as to be on my own outside of this house. So I intend to do as I'm told. They are doctors orders. "

You heard no reply from your mother but still looked through dresses to wear on your outing today.

   " Fine. Just don't cause any trouble. " Your mother said after a long sigh.

   " I won't. "

After searching for a light dress, you took the clothing and changed in your bathroom. The dress was light, and you could move around easier than your other tight dresses. Andrea yelped as you pushed open your bathroom door and quickly walked through your bedroom. You went downstairs, passed your parents, and went outside to your stables. On days you wanted to go into town, you would ride your horse, so you wouldn't attract attention or worry about a carriage. 

You looked through the stable of horses until you found your favorite mare. Before your mother could stop you, you quickly saddled your horse and took the reigns in your hands. You put one foot through the saddle peddle and hoisted yourself onto the horse. Making sure your dress was secure and wouldn't fly upward, you let the fabric sit underneath you and cinch up. 

   " Alright, let's go! "

You flicked the reigns, and your horse started running out of the stable and toward the dirt road leading to the city. The sun had warmed the earth, and the mud was now dry, creating dust as your mare ran as fast as possible to the kingdom where you desired to be. 

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