Chapter 35: Astor's Descendent

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You continued to ride the horse through the towns and villages, taking the same path as you did before. Making it to the forest, you first saw the guards; you pulled the horse's reins, slowing down. You had been traveling until the moon had risen, and everyone (including the horse) was tired. Arlutrix jumped off the horse and took the reigns from your hands, leading the horse toward the cave. Inside you could still see the black spot on the floor where Arlutrix threw the fire last time.

The horse settled on the rock floor, nuzzling its head between its legs. You sat down and leaned against the horse's side. Arlutrix summoned an orange flame in his hand, keeping the cave warm. He settled by your side, keeping the fire at arm's length so it wouldn't hurt anyone.

   " We'll rest here tonight, and we must keep going tomorrow. We'll stop in the closest village and get food before continuing. " Arlutrix said, putting an arm around your shoulder to stay close.

   " That sounds good. Rest is really needed right now. "

Arlutrix nodded, holding you close, keeping a hand on your shoulder. You leaned into Arlutrix, absorbing his warmth, while the flames in his hand glowed around the cave.

   " What happened after you left the castle? " Arlutrix asked.

   " I was taken back to a cell. I stayed there until this morning when my parents came to get me. My mother was more than angry at me. We argued in the carriage; surprisingly, my father stood up to my mother. He had my sword with him and handed it to me, telling me to save you. "

   " I've said it once; and I will repeat it. I really like your father. "

   " I'm glad you do. All he said was that he wanted me to write him letters in the future and take life by the hands. " You said, giggling.

   " Good. I'm glad your dad has finally taken control of your mother's attitude. "

   " Me too. Someone will finally put her in place, and make her listen to something rational. I don't know how my father could hold back for all these years. "

   " I guess, he could only take so much. But I'm glad he's finally spoken. "

   " You and me both. "

You hugged Arlutrix close, lying against him, growing tired. The fire kept you warm as you lay on the ground, closing your eyes and relaxing against the mage. You didn't have any dreams, but you were woken up in darkness by Arlutrix shaking you. 

   " Arlu--"

Arlutrix put a finger on your lips, making you quiet. He pointed to the hole of the cave, where you had entered hours ago. You looked outside and felt your adrenaline kick in as you saw the sterling silver armor at the edge of the cave. You couldn't see anyone in the open, but you saw the armor around the corner. 

Slowly, you stood up, trying not to make a sound. Arlutrix ushered the horse to stand, and he jumped on top of the horse's back. You jumped on the horse, leaning down since the top of the cave was close to your head. A tiny orange wisp floated in Arlutrix's hand, and he threw it at the entrance. Once the wisp hit the floor, fire erupted, and the horse jumped out of the cave. Turning, you looked to see the guards climbing their saddles and preparing their swords.

   " We have to get away, from them! "

   " I know, I know! But we have to keep going! There's not much we can do except fight them or run away. "

   " Is there anything you can do? "

   " Maybe, but, they're going to try and shoot our horse again. Just keep swirving around the trees, and I'll do what I can. "

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