Chapter 19: The Time of Fire

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Years ago, when Arlutrix was a kid, the kingdom of Vumaedal was full of colors created by different magics. Purple colors danced around as people moved swiftly, green wisps floated around, with ropes, holding baskets, being dragged by the owner, and blue sparks surrounded people's feet as they floated through the air. Magic was everywhere, and the common people enjoyed seeing it, thinking of it as something exceptional. 

But in one household, there was anything but joy. 

   " How could you do this to me? To us! I love you, Isabell! "

   " But I don't love you! Theon, I thought I loved you when we married, and I felt neglected. I don't even see you half the time, and I spend all my time at home! "

   " Isabell, I've been working a lot lately. My business is starting to take off, and that requires more time. "

   " More time away from me? Theon, I thought marrying you was the right decision, but it wasn't because, in the end, I've grown to stop loving you. We should have waited longer before marrying each other. "

Lord Theon was shocked by his wife's words and stepped back to lean against the wall. His black hair was tussled and fell from the elastic band that held the strands together. His green eyes were distressed about what to do, but he proposed a question to his lovely wife.

   " How long. . .How long have you been having an affair with Astor? " He asked.

Isabell flinched from his broken tone and folded her hands together, feeling the guilt rise in her heart.

   " A year. "

   " Heavens, Isabell, we've been married for two years. "

   " I know. "

   " And tell me, is that baby in your womb mine, or his? "

Isabelle's light chocolate hands instinctively went to her stomach, holding the large baby bump. It wouldn't be long before she would give birth to her child, but the stress of the situation was tearing her mind apart, no doubt hurting the baby.

   " It's Astor's. "

Theon was silent for a while before he started to chuckle, covering his eyes from his wife. Finally, the laughing turned to sobs, and the lord fell to the floor, crying his eyes into his hands. 

   " You lied about that child being mine too. Isabell, what have you not lied about? "

Isabell didn't respond, and she left the man to sulk in the home's living room while she went to her lover, who was reading over his spell book. A few days later, Isabell, Theon, and Astor stood before the king, awaiting a decision about their living situation. The king ran his hand over his wrinkled face, feeling stressed from the case and the war going on in Madrathia. Madrathia always seemed to be the center place for war, as their leader was never the right choice, but the king of Vumaedal was only worried about his own people's lives that lived there.

   " I suggest we separate your houses. It seems, that we cannot come to an agreement, and the best we can do, is give you, the old status and lives you had before marrying each other. I will have the documents written up, and you may sign. "

The king called for his supervisor and informed him of what paper to make, and the woman ran to make the article quickly to return to the king. Theon's heart rate slowed, and he felt a slight dent in his heart from the decision made. Theon still loved his wife, and even if the baby weren't his, he would still care for the baby as his own, but that wasn't what Isabell wanted.

Isabell was happy and signed the papers eagerly, with Astor by her side smiling. But when the papers were brought to Theon, he held the feather, looking at the document, his hand slightly shaking. He didn't want to sign and didn't have the strength to let go of his one true love. A hand was gently placed on his shoulder, and when Theon turned his head, Astor was the one who stood behind the lord. Astor's turquoise eyes starred into Theon's own green eyes, hopeful.

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