Chapter 20: A Partnership?

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Months of waiting turned into an entire year, and Arlutrix gave up on the hope that his father was alive inside the palace. The ban on magic users was implemented, and Arlutrix never used his powers except to survive. The beautiful colors that would dance around from the magic users were gone, and everything seemed slightly dull. 

Arlutrix ran through the streets toward the market, where people sold their best foods. Arlutrix, young, already learned what he could on his own about his powers. Anything else, he would have to research and learn himself. The books in the library filled with spells were sealed away, but he could get one book and read through it. Anything dealing with magic was gone or sealed away from Vumaedal as if it had never existed in the first place.

Arlutrix positioned himself behind one of the stalls and looked toward one stall full of fruits. His eyes focused on the bright red apples as his lips started to dry. Arlutrix waved his hand around, and blue sparks appeared around the apple. 

   " Flotter. "

Slowly, the apple rose into the sky and floated to the ground toward Arlutrix, but halfway, the blue sparks disappeared. The apple fell to the ground, rolled around before stopping, and turned toward Arlutrix. No one took notice of the apple, and Arlutrix tried again to get the apple in his hands.

   " Flotter. " He said with more force. 

The apple flew again, making its way toward Arlutrix. Once the apple was close enough, he grabbed it and hid it underneath his tattered shirt. Before he was caught, Arlutrix ran from the stall he was hiding behind. The small warlock kept the apple close to his body underneath his clothes and hid behind another stall. In front of him was a stall filled with more food, mainly focused on vegetables. Arlutrix had his eyes on the carrots and used the same spell to get the carrot to come to him.

   " Flotter. "

The carrot lifted into the air, moving side to side due to an uneven weight. Slowly, the carrot descended the stall and went to the ground with the blue sparks, keeping the vegetable from touching the cobble. The carrot made its way toward Arlutrix but was caught by someone walking by. The man lifted the carrot to his eyes, looking at it oddly. Arlutrix turned to hide, behind the stall, not to get caught, but it was too late. The older man grabbed his tiny arm. 

   " You're a warlock. "

   " Says who? "

   " Says Lord Isembart, me. How do you know about magic? "

   " It doesn't matter! Could you leave me alone? "

The apple was held tightly under his shirt, and Arlutrix was afraid it would fall, then his dinner would be gone. The man bit into the carrot and walked off, dragging Alrutrix with him. Arlutrix tried to tear his arm away from the man, but the older man had more strength than his young body. The little mage was pulled into an alley, where the man continued to eat the carrot he tried to steal. 

   " You're a mage. I have to turn you in. "

The image of his father being taken away flashed in his eyes, and the turquoise pupils grew bigger. 

   " No! You can't! "

   " And why can't I? You know magic isn't allowed in Vumaedal. Didn't your parents teach you that. "

The question struck a chord with Arlutrix, and he didn't speak. Instead, he clutched the apple tightly in his free hand, with his fingers denting the red skin. The younger Lord Isembart read Arlutrix's face before coughing in his free hand after finishing the carrot.

   " They died in the fire, didn't they? "

With no words, Arlutrix nodded, tears threatening to come to his eyes from the horrid memories. His mother's body was burned alive, while his father was taken away and executed. Arlutrix knew the true story, but the story became distorted quickly after the town was fixed. People claimed his mother, Isabell, was money hungry, while his father could have been abusive towards his family. Everyone claimed that he became enraged after piles of arguments with his mother and set the kingdom ablaze, killing his lover in the process. It wasn't the actual story. But who would believe him? Who would believe the story that his mother grew mentally ill and his father blamed the kingdom for their misdeeds toward his lover? Because he was the archmage's son, no one would believe him; then, he would be killed.

   " I'm sorry, kid. But I do have an idea. "

Lord Isembart kneeled to the ground, letting go of Arlutrix's hand. Arlutrix stared at the man with a poker face, not showing any emotion for the man to run with. 

   " My business is starting to take off, and I've just bought a lovely house. Why don't you become my servant and help me care for my needs? I'll provide food, clothing, and a roof. All you would need to do is become my servant. "

Arlutrix's young mind thought it was a great deal and looked at the man, wondering if he was given the deal of his life.

   " R-Really? "

   " Really. But because my name is getting so big, I will ask that you bind yourself to me. That way, you cannot betray me. Think of it as a sign of loyalty. "

   " Deal! I know the spell too! Just give me your hand! "

Eagerly, Arlutrix grabbed Lord Isembart's hand and held it tight. The young lord nodded and squeezed Arlutrix's hand, waiting for Arlutrix to start the spell. But instead, Arlutrix closed his eyes and focused on the words in his head before saying them out loud.

   " Je me suis lié à Lord Bobby Isembart. "

A green aura appeared, and green wisps floated around their connected hands before flying to Arlutrix's neck. A clasp clamped around his neck, and instinctively, Arlutrix let go of Lord Isembart's hand and held the clasp around his neck. He didn't expect a clamp around his neck to develop or be so tight. Instead, a chain formed at the base of the clamp, and the wisps came forward to create the chain, leading it into Lord Ismebart's hand. Lord Isembart wrapped his fingers around the chain, feeling it held in his grasp, before letting it go, allowing the chain to disappear along with the clamp around his new servant's neck.

   " Excellent. Now, let's get back home, so you can eat, and I'll tell you about your first task. "

Arlutrix willingly obeyed Lord Isembart, following the man as he ate the apple in his hands. When sitting down for his meal, Lord Isembart talked about the rules he would set for Arlutrix, and the little mage didn't question any of them due to the food and housing he was provided. It was only until later in his life did Arlutrix started to question Lord Isembart, but the deal had already been made, and he could not back out.

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