Chapter 39: Continuing

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After a day of rest, when the moon was high, Arlutrix awoke from his deep slumber. The moonlight shone into the room, highlighting the dark space around him. The mage looked down at your sleeping face, still feeling melancholy. His palm went to the side of your face, caressing your soft cheek, admiring you. Arlutrix wanted to stay in bed but knew he had to get up and discuss plans with his father. 

Arlutrix stood from the cot and left the room, going to his neighbors and knocking on the door. The door opened, revealing his father on the other side of the wooden barrier. Astor opened the door wider, allowing Arlutrix inside. Alrutrix entered the room and sat at a table against the wall. 

   " How is she? " Astor asked.

   " She's still asleep. Her face is really red. "

   " She's warm; that's good. If she can sweat all the toxins out of her body, she'll get better faster. You two planned on going to the Kingdom of Silv right? "

   " Yes, that's our end goal, but we haven't reached the border yet. I think we've been heading toward Madrathia, but I'm not sure. We don't have a compass. "

   " Silv is a long way from Madrathia, almost a day's travel by horse. Right now, you're heading Southeast, between Madrathia's borders. You need to choose if you want a straight shot East or if you want to attempt going South into Madrathia. "

   " Which is closer? "

   " From this town, Madrathia. You'll have to enter Madrathia's border at some point if you head East to get into Silv, but you'll be riding the border with Godfrey. If you head South, you'll get across the border faster, and then you can head to Silv. "

   " But, faster would be heading straight toward Silv, riding the border between Madrathia and Godfrey? "

   " Yes. There are also no more towns from this point on if you head straight for Silv. "

Arlutrix leaned his head on his hands against the table, conflicted about where he needed to go. It was faster to go East, but it would pose more risk. It's safer to go South, but it'll take longer to get to Silv. Arlutrix wanted to keep you safe, but at the same time, he knew you would like to get to Silv immediately. 

   " Let's. . .Let's head for Silv. We'll be careful riding the border. "

   " Okay, but let me make this clear. If anything happens, let me defend you first. " Astor said, pointing to himself before pointing to his son.

   " I'm capable-- "

   " I know you are, but you'll be carrying someone. I'll be hands-free except for the basket of food. It'll be better to defend you before you start firing spells. "

Arlutrix agreed, and soon the two men gathered in the inn lobby, turning in their keys and leaving the town. The snow crunched under their feet as they traveled East. Not a word was said between the two as they walked in the snow under the moonlight. You were lying against Arlutrix's back as he held your thighs, carrying you. Snow wasn't falling, but it was freezing. Arlutrix could see his breath as he huffed, walking through the snow. 

   " Arlutrix, you went into a blind rage, as I had. What did it feel like to you? "

   " Why do you ask? "

   " I'm curious if it's different between warlocks and witches. "

   " I. . .I didn't realize what I was doing. A white light surrounded me, and I saw images of my younger self in front of me. It was like I experienced my life all over again. Then, I experienced Y/n being stabbed again; then, I heard Y/n call my name. That was when I could finally see and was brought back to myself. "

   " I see. "

   " What did you experience? "

   " I experienced the same thing you did. I think we use so much energy while we're blinded, but my theory is, we're dying as we lose control. "

   " We're dying? What brought you that theory? "

   " There's a saying when you're close to death. Life flashes before your eyes. I think during that time, we're enraged, we use a lot of energy, and as you know, if we use too much, we can faint. But while we are in that enraged state, we will see our lives flash before our eyes, and I predict that if you or I had not been woken up, we would have died. "

   " So, we would just die, during mid rage? "

   " No. We will continue to be blinded until we are brought out of our trance. If we have used too much energy by the time we're woken, we will be dead. "

   " So, it's best to avoid that. "

   " Yes, but sometimes it's hard. Like when your mother died and when your lover was stabbed. "

   " Okay. I'll remember that. "

The two walked through the forest, and even when the sun rose, the two continued walking. Arlutrix knew that the young guards he spared would tell the king what happened to grab reinforcements. How long it would take, he didn't know, but he didn't want to take any risks. So while they traveled, he caught up on lost times with his father while discussing different magics. 

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