Chapter 41: Finally Safe

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   " You have an exciting story, young man. I can't believe what I'm hearing. You can use magic. "

Arlutrix sat in his bed with his back against the headboard, looking toward the queen with a calm expression. After she had saved his group, he was taken into Silv and into the castle, where he was laid to rest. In the morning, the maids woke him for breakfast, and later the queen came into the room to check on the warlock. Astor was put in a separate room, and you were placed in a room with a doctor. Aileen had asked for his story, and Arlutrix told her everything.

   " Yes. Is it that surprising? "

   " Very. Not many magic users traveled outside of Vumaedal, and after the archmage, all of the mages and warlocks started hiding their abilities, afraid. I thought they had all died, or the sparking stopped appearing in generations. "

Arlutrix's mind went to the baker and his sister, who had used their magic for their bakery, but also to the friends he had when he was little. If one thing was right, magic was still very relevant, but not in the eyes of mortals who didn't want to see it. 

   " It hasn't. . .there are still magi users out there, in plain sight. "

   " I see. Do either of the people with you, possess magic? "

   " I'm not sure. I've assumed not, since I've been the one protecting us. "

Aileen sighed before taking a seat on the bed, looking toward Alrutrix. She knew he had lied but still held no animosity toward him.

   " Please do not lie. I don't want to hurt you or your friends; I only ask to know who I have allowed entering my kingdom. The older man is a mage; that much is clear. He stayed behind to fight but returned to you with burns and no sword. "

   " . . .The man is the archmage and my father, while the woman is my lover. She doesn't possess any magic. "

   " Alright. I'm glad to know. Your father is resting, recharging his energy. Your lover is recovering from an illness that appeared through an infection. We will do the best we can to treat her well. "

   " Thank you. Can I do anything in return? "

   " Yes, you can. "

Aileen stood from the bed and walked toward the window in his bedroom. Arlutrix started thinking about the last time he made a deal with anyone and felt himself turn green at the thought. However, he quickly composed himself, remembering he had limits now and he was older.

   " I want you to help me and my people repair my kingdom. Of course, when you're better. A lot still needs to be done, and my castle hasn't been finished yet. I'm trying to work on restoring the main buildings before working on the castle. "

   " But there are parts of your castle already rebuilt. "

   " For purposes like you and your friends. The medical wing hasn't been rebuilt yet, but there are rooms in this castle that have been restored for people like yourself. Travelers looking to come to live in Silv, for those who are ill and those with nowhere to go. Silv will be that place once again. "

   " So, you want me to make a deal with you? "

   " No, I want your word that you will help, when you are better. No deals, no handshakes, just your comment. "

Arlutrix nodded toward the woman in agreement, and she smiled lightly at him. 

   " Thank you. I greatly appreciate it. Please, get as much rest as possible so you may get stronger faster. Once you have time, you may also build your home here. You under my protection, so do as you please, of course staying within the morals of justice. "

Aileen bowed to the mage before leaving him alone in his bedroom. Arlutrix relaxed against the headboard, happy not to have a deal pulled out of his pocket. But, soon after Aileen left, his father entered his room and sat down on his bed, smiling at his son.

   " We made it. We made it to Silv in one piece. "

   " We did. " Arlutrix agreed. 

   " I can't believe we're here. I thought I would continue to wander around and never see you again, Arlutrix. I. . .really hated it. "

Arlutrix saw his father's shoulders become rigid while his back remained turned so the mage couldn't see his father's face. He knew that his father was emotional, but he didn't know how to comfort a man he had missed most of his life. So all Arlutrix could do was place a hand on his father's back, making his father turn and hug him close.

   " I lost your mother. I can't lose you too. "

Arlutrix was shocked by the sudden hug but relaxed and hugged his father back, putting his chin on his father's shoulder. 

   " Good, because I don't want you going anywhere. " 

Another minute passes before Arlutrix is released from his father's hold. His old man leaned back, smiling at his boy. Astor gave Arlutrix one last final pat on his back before getting up and leaving the room. Arlutrix looked toward the window in his room, smiling. He felt at peace, safe, and comfortable. There were no worries about constantly being chased by guards or of any harm coming to you. Arlutrix slid down the headboard before resting his head on his pillow and looking out the window before entering a deep sleep.

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