Chapter 23: The Start of the Wedding

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It was time. It was the morning of the wedding between your household and Lord Isembarts. Upon waking up, you left your room, which was completely quiet in the house. You stepped out of the bedroom but heard crinkling underneath your feet. Under your feet was a piece of paper lying on the ground that you had stepped on and wrinkled. You reached down and picked up the paper, smoothing out the creases and reading the writing.


   As you will find, I am not home, and you will not see me for the rest of the day. I believe in tradition, and I plan not to see you until the wedding to bring good fortune to our married life. Your mother will come by later in the morning to help you prepare for the wedding. I left your wedding dress downstairs on the table by the fireplace. 

With love,

Holding the note, you walked downstairs and spotted the box on the table. Before opening the box, you set the paper on the burnt logs for it to catch fire later. Then, you sat on the couch and opened the box, looking at the wedding dress.

   ' The seamstress did an excellent job with the changes. It looks so much better now and more my style. '

You were happy that there was at least one thing you could control about your wedding. By the time you put this on, your mother wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She would be furious, but, in your mind, it was well worth it. The house was tranquil, and you assumed no one was home, not even Arlutrix, but you jumped slightly, seeing a teacup beside the box on the table. Looking up, you saw Arlutrix with a sad smile on his face.

   " Good morning, my lady. "

   " Morning, ARlutrix. I thought no one was home. "

   " I was pouring tea in the kitchen. I thought it best to serve you tea before the wedding today to provide some ease. "

   " Thank you. "

You set the dress back in the box, lifted the teacup and saucer to your lips, and drank the warm tea. The tea was delicious, filling your body with warmth in the cold weather. Arlutrix sat down beside you and looked at the dress in the box.

   " The dress is beautiful. You will be the apple of everyone's eye at the ceremony. "

   " Isn't that how it's supposed to be? "

   " It is; you are right, but that was my best attempt at a compliment. How are you feeling this morning? "

   " The same as yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. "

   " So pouty? "

   " As my mother would say. "

   " You seem more fractious to me. "

His tone was light as he talked with you. It sounded like he finally let go of the lord and lady title. A small smile went to your face, feeling a slight tingle of happiness at the comfort.

   " So I'm challenging to control? "

   " I would think of it more as unruly. "

   " Oh? I guess I'm just having trouble playing the obedient wife. I must practice more. "

   " But with that free spirit, how could you play a part that wasn't made for you? "

Feeling comfortable, you giggled at his words and shoved his shoulder with yours. Soon, that comfort was gone when your mother entered the house and looked at you in the living room. She glanced between you and Arlutrix with a funny look before grabbing the box off the table and your wrist. Then, she dragged you to your room, where you were starting to get ready.

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