Chapter 27: Love in the Snow

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The snow pelted your hood as your hands clutched the fabric, trying to keep it from flying backward. The blizzard had hit sooner than everyone thought, trapping you with Arlutrix in the snow. Everything was covered in a powder of white, hiding the trees from sight. It was hard for your face to stay warm, and your nose had grown cold in the blowing wind. Your legs and body stayed relatively warm, but your face and hands were cold to the touch.

   " Do you see anywhere to take shelter? " You asked Arlutrix, hoping he would hear you.

   " We've reached the mountains, there should be somewhere for us to go. "

   " So, is that a yes? "

   " It's a maybe. I see something over here. "

Arlutrix started walking toward the wall of rock, with you behind him. A cave came into sight, and you both rushed to free your bodies from the snowstorm. As soon as you entered the cave, you breathed relief, happy to be free from the snow. You pulled the hood of your coat down, revealing your face to the world. 

   " I'll start a fire, and we can rest here until, the blizzard moves past us. "

   " Alright. I'll look through the food and ration what we can eat tonight. " 

Arlutrix nodded and started summoning a fire in his hands, gradually making it more prominent. You pulled the basket closer to you and started searching through the food. It was decided in your mind that bread and jelly would be the best thing to eat for now. The fire grew large while Arlutrix's hand remained free from burns. Arlutrix sat down on the ground with the fire in his hand, stretching his arm out so the fire couldn't burn his clothes and so you could get warm. You handed Arlutrix one of the bread slices, and he took it from you with his free hand.

   " Thank you. "

   " Thank you for the fire. " You emphasized. 

You ate your bread in silence, and once you were finished, you were left alone to your thoughts as you sat on the cold ground. Gerald's wife continued to come to your mind, and her words wouldn't leave you, making you even more curious about Arlutrix's intentions. Eventually, your face started to burn from thinking about it too much, and to settle your mind; you started questioning Arlutrix.

   " Hey, Arlutrix? Why did you save me from that marriage? What finally made you decide to break your bond with Isembart to help me? "

Arlutrix jumped a little, surprised by your sudden question, but calmed himself. His legs pressed against his chest as his free arm rested across his legs, allowing him to lean his head on his arm.

   " It was how sad you looked. At one point, you even spoke of death, and. . .it reminded me of my mother. "

   " Of your mother? How so? "

   " Well, society had put pressure on her since she had an affair with my father, but that pressure led her to depression, then her death. You were the same. You were so upset that you gave up trying, and then you started talking about your survival rate after the marriage and how it was low. I didn't want what happened to my mother to happen to you. I care too much to let that happen to you. "

You nodded and didn't open your mouth to ask the question you wanted to be answered. Something was telling you deep inside not to ask him. Your heart pounded against your chest as your face retained the color of red roses. 

   " Arlutrix. . .do you love me? "

Once again, Arlutrix jumped, but he couldn't hide his blush behind his usual calm composure. His eyes widened, and the blush on his cheeks went from ear to ear as his heart pounded. The ordinarily cool mage was stuttering over his words until he coughed, calming himself slightly.

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