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"I'm waiting," the devil looked between Carter and me with a big grin. "Come, kids, the clock is ticking. As soon as dawn breaks, I'm out of here, and you can all die together. Aww, what a great ending to your little story. Devil bad. Family first. Instant death to all, and the darkness wins!" He threw his head back and laughed wickedly. "No one would have seen that coming, I'll tell you."

"Will you shut up?" I snapped at him, holding on tightly to my son. "I can't hear myself think."

"Watch yourself, human." The devil glared at me. "I'm being pleasant because I see some use in you but don't mistake that for anything else." He growled at me as flames grew around him. "Give me your answer now, or I will walk away."

"Show me the contract, and I'll make my decision." I wasn't going to back down from this.

"You want to see the paperwork?" The devil smiled.

"Yes, no offense, but I don't trust you with my family."

The devil stared at me, and I instantly felt a sharp pain in my head.

"Please," I closed my eyes and held Cayden tightly as the pain got worse. "I want to see what you expect from us. That's all."

"Fine." The devil was almost laughing. "We're all friends here. I have nothing to hide." He snapped his fingers, and a leather bound book fell to the fall in front of me, making me jump. "One Morgan and friends contract for the lady."

The book on the floor looked like it had bugs crawling under the bound leather.

"Carter?" I called as my eyes stayed on the book.

"He's a bit indisposed at the moment." The devil again threw his head back and laughed as he pointed over my shoulder.

I slowly turned and looked over my shoulder, my body went cold with fear as I saw Carter struggling against the darkness. He was almost consumed by the dark cloud as it lifted him into the air like he was a feather.

"I told you the more time you waste, the stronger the darkness will become. Once it consumes your husband, I can only assume it will be unstoppable, and once that happens, my dear, I am out of here. You know, safety first and all that." The devil looked around the hallway and then back to me. "Looks like it's just the three of us now." He smiled.

"Four of us." I heard a voice purr behind me. "Don't forget about little old me."

"Penelope." The devil cheered with delight. "You look delicious." He licked his lips and patted his chest where his heart should be. "Damn, you look good."

"I know." She winked proudly. "I did sell my soul for all of this, after all."

"Yes, you did." The devil took a step towards her.

"Stop right there, mister." Penelope held up her hand in front of her. "I'm here to help my friend, not entertain you."

"You are?" The devil and I both said, looking at each other.

"Yes." She nodded. "I'm here for my new friends because they like me." She crossed her arms over her ample chest.

"You do?" The devil looked back at me.

"I mean, she seems lovely." I smiled at Penelope. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Penelope smiled at me.

"You two are friends even though your husband pounded her like she was raw dough?" The devil clapped his hands together fast. "Multiple times. Like absolutely hammered her.."

"Don't talk about her husband like that, you brut." Penelope stomped her foot on the ground. "Only I can make sex jokes about the big man."

"I doubt sex with that man is joke." The devil winked at me. "A fricken Jack hammer..."

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