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"Where are we going anyway?" I said to Callan as we walked the streets of Rome at night.

"I saw this club the other night. My friend told me its vamp friendly. I thought we could check it out?" He smiled strolling next to me.

"Sounds ridiculous," Jake whined, walking slightly behind us.

"Is it safe for me?" I suddenly regretted agreeing to come out with two vampires.

"Yeah, of course. Everyone will just assume you are our human."

"Our human?" Jake snapped. "Fuck that. As if I would have a human?" He scoffed.

"What do you mean, our human?" I said to Callan ignoring Jake.

"It just means that you belong to us, and they can't touch you. It's fine, Ebony." Callan smiled, fixing his leather jacket.

"She is all yours, man. I want nothing to do with her." Jake mumbled from behind us, pulling his grey hoodie over his blonde hair. "If it weren't for those weird dreams lately, I wouldn't even be here."

I stopped walking and turned to Jake, who bumped right into me.

"Watch it." He grumbled, pushing past me.

"You have been having weird dreams too?"

Jake stopped walking and turned back to me with a stern look on his face.

"Do you feel the fire and hear the screaming?" I said trying to stay calm.

Jake just kept looking at me, not moving.

"Do you hear the deep voice as well? Does it call for you in your dreams?"

"How do you know that?" He growled, narrowing his eyes on mine. "What are you some kind of witch?"

"No, Jake, you don't understand. Callan and I are having the same dream."

Jake's eyes went to Callan. "It's true, man. That's how I recognized Ebony. I saw her face..."

"In the flames," Jake said slowly as his eyes returned to me.

"You've seen me too?"

He nodded slightly. "Every night for a while now. I start out walking through a forest, and then I feel the flames burning my skin. I try to run, but the flames are too fast, and they surround me. That's when I see your face, and it's when I hear the deep voice."

"What does the voice say?"

"It tells me that I am a dumbass and that I'm to protect you at all costs, or it will kill me." He raised his eyebrow at me sharply.

"Is that why you didn't want to come out tonight?" I said nervously.

"It's why you're still alive." He gave me a slight smile before taking a step towards me. "Why are you so damn important anyway?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "But how can all three of us have the same dream? This isn't possible."

Jake's eyes suddenly meet with Callan's, and they seemed to have a silent conversation in their heads.

"What is going on?" I yelled, breaking the silence and making them both turn to me. "What is going on?" I repeated calmly.

"Well, we have three options here," Callan said, running his hand through his dark hair. "Either someone is using very dark magic on us, or someone or something is trying to contact us through our dreams."

"And the third option would be?" I was starting to panic.

"That someone is doing both," Jake said. "And for some reason, you seem to be the key to all of this. So I'll only ask you this once Ebony Summers. Who the fuck are you, and who is doing this?" Jake said right in my face.

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