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This place hadn't changed. I mean absolutely nothing had changed since I was here over ten years ago. The walls were still dark blue with rope lights hanging down them creating an inviting dark atmosphere for the paying predators of this world. The air still smelled like cheap perfume and cigarettes, and the half-naked dancers still swung off the same poles to the same music as men threw money at them. The beautiful whores were leading men upstairs in their slinky underwear so they earn their cash as quickly as they could and then kick them out. Most of them earned hundreds in mere minutes as they knew exactly what to do to earn that money. It was like I had never left and strangely enough, I kind of liked it.

"Hey, there big boy." I turned to see a familiar face smiling up at me as she touched my shirt ever so gently. "Leon Morgan."

"Hannah, it's been a while." I smiled down at the pretty vampire girl. The things I used to do to this poor girl. I'm actually amazed she can still manage to walk again. I do feel bad for some of the things I used to make her do. Very unpleasant.

"I never thought I would see your handsome face around here again." She battered her long eyelashes at me.

"Neither did I." I sighed as I stared into her big red eyes. God, I miss this. I miss having girls throw themselves at me like I'm a god. I miss all the seduction and the touching and the nasty sex. Fuck, I miss making a girl scream so loud her body shivers under me as I touch her.

"Hello there," Henry said, breaking my train of thought. "It is lovely to meet you."

"Well hello, there cutie." Hannah smiled at him. "Have we met? You look familiar." She purred at him running her hand through his hair.

Henry looked at me with complete panic on his face. I shook my head. The last thing we need right now is any attention being brought to us.

"Me? No." Henry shook his head. "I'm new to this place. It's very....efficient around here I must say." He looked around in complete wonder.

"You want to see how efficient gorgeous." Another girl said as she touched his face softly with the tip of her finger. "I could eat you up."

"Ummmm, maybe later." He grinned as she whispered something in his ear. "Well that does sound delightful, but we do have business here to attend first, unfortunately."

The black-haired girl made a pouting face. "But I want you now." She kissed his cheek and ran her finger up his neck.

Henry cleared his throat uncomfortably as I laughed.

"Thank you, ladies, but we do have business here tonight. If you will excuse us for a moment, we should be off." I said amused and pulled Hannah's hands off my waist and placed them back onto her. "Maybe later, yes?" I winked at her.

"I'll be waiting Leon, in our old room." She blew me a kiss and pulled the other girl away from Henry.

"You okay your highness?" I patted a flustered-looking Henry on the back.

"Never been better." He smiled, looking around. "I've been missing out on so many wonderful things. I mean, look at these girls. Damn. I was spending my time practising for war when I should have been here."

"You are the king. You can do anything you want. You want to bang her and make her watch? Done. You want to dance around in a monkey suit and have a girl throw bananas at you? Done. You are the fucking king, man. Don't forget that." I laughed at him. "But first we find Jake," I said, looking around. "Where did that little bastard go?"

We both looked around nervously and saw the prick dancing on the stage with four girls grinding on him and throwing dollar bills in the air obnoxiously.

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