F4 - (5)

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Yep a fight is going on! Come on dude I didn't want to run into a freaking cafeteria fight at my first day.

I watched as a boy with insane animal print jacket was staring way too dangerously at the two girls in front of him-- wait what an animal print jacket?

Oh boy, my unholy toy is that fuckin' Thyme?
Yes fuckin' yes it is and those guys behind him are they Kavin, Ren and MJ? And yet again they are. I internally screamed..

You must be wondering that how did I recognize them, right? Well Thyme's animal print jacket always stands out and Kavin's glasses and bunny teeth, MJ's bad boy mafia look and lastly Ren's clam, soft and delicate look. Moreover all I see on social media nowadays are them..'-'

"N-no it's not like that" the girl with short hair struggled so speak. She looked like as if she had seen a ghost as Thyme stared down at her.

Knowing Thyme's anger issues this shit doesn't look so good. So I had to butt in :)

A/N pov:

Thyme was so angry at the girl who dared to order him around. He could feel his ears turning red due to anger (a/n: oh that's sexy). No one has ever done it before except his mother and her.

Just as he was about to scream her a breathtaking voice spoke calmly
"Leave her alone idiot"

The whole cafeteria felt silent as the clicking of heels could be heard approaching. The looks on people's faces when they saw her was iconic in Kiyomi's point of view.

 The looks on people's faces when they saw her was iconic in Kiyomi's point of view

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(Ps: The looks are given by Yoongi and Tae;))

Thyme was lost in words. He had never seen someone so gorgeous. The way her curly looks fell on her pale skin made her look so familiar.
But he quickly got out of his thought as MJ said "Damn dude that girl is fine"

Thyme didn't know why but he got a little pissed at MJ for no reason. MJ put his both hands up in defense as Thyme glared at him.

They looked at the girl walking towards them. She looks quite familiar he thought. Quickly shaking off his thoughts about her he said "Who do you think you're to call me an idiot?"

"Ara Ara, am I not supposed to call you that?" Kiyomi asked pretending to be confused which pissed Thyme more.

"You think you're?" Thyme asked angrily.

"Oh, then what should I call you? Maybe.............um........Bright?" Kiyomi said smiling making the male in front of her halt his steps towards her.

That name shook Thyme's whole body. Chills ran down his whole body. He gets butterflies every time this word is spoken by her.
(Ps: Ik it's his real name)

"Shia" MJ, Kevin and Ren said at the same time.

"A-are you my K-kiyomi?" Thyme stuttered stepping towards her.

"Naw, I am not K-kiyomi. I am Kiyomi" Kiyomi said mimicking his voice.

And before she knew she was engulfed with a warm hug. Two strong muscles wrapped tightly around her waist.

"I-I missed you" Thyme sobbed. Kiyomi could feel the butterflies in her stomach once again. The same knot in her stomach when she first saw him after many years.

Whispers like "Is she Kiyomi Amari?"

 "I heard that she is the childhood best friend of f4"

 "She is so pretty" "Is she the next heiress of Amari empire's?"

 "Damn I am so jealous"

 "Is Thyme crying?"

 "Are they dating?"

 "I heard that he used to like her"

But none of them cared as Kiyomi's eyes watered. Suddenly she could feel more arms being wrapped around her.

Tear drops went down her cheeks as the familiar feeling engulfed her whole heart, body, mind and soul.

"We missed you s-so much" the crackiness in their voice made her knees weak.

Even though she loved and longed for that hug many years, she was now suffocating.

She slowly broke the hug with all her strength as they were literally squeezing her.

"I missed you guys too but you guys are suffocating me" Kiyomi said.

"Oh, sorry." Ren smiled awkwardly.

"Why didn't you keep in touch, huh?" Thyme asked softly patting her head.

Kiyomi sighed before saying, "My dad to--" She got cut offed by a voice.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Cliffhanger? Yesss ;)
A/N: I am really sorry for not uploading soon. I was really busy with my school so sorry and I hope you guys like this chapter. Love ya. Bye bye. Take care...🐼💗

(Ps: Dew is try to make you all smile, so smile wide😁⛓💗)

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(Ps: Dew is try to make you all smile, so smile wide😁⛓💗)

You all can follow me on tiktok if you want..⛓

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