Two-faced Bitch - (15)

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"KIYOMI!!" a shocked voice called out. Kiyomi halted in her way and looked behind her....Thyme, Kevin, MJ and Ren. "Oh shit! Here we goanother classic drama moment" Kiyomi thought sighing internally.

"Mira!" Ren quickly rushed towards sobbing Mira on the ground. "Kiyomi, what are you doing?!"Thyme rushed towards Kiyomi who just looked at him not saying anything.

"Come on, speak!" Thyme screamed at her, making her sigh. "She slapped me first" Kiyomi pointed at the teary Mira. They all looked at Mira with a questionable make as Ren slowly helped her get up from the floor. 

"No no Kiyomi, why are you lying? You were the one who slapped me. You suddenly came in here and screamed at me about how you hated me and slap---"

"Shut the fuck up! You called me here! " Kiyomi looked at Mira, taking steps towards her.

"KIYOMI!" Thyme held Kiyomi's arm, restraining her from going near Mira.

"What you don't believe me? OK, then let's ask Gorya here" Kiyomi looked at the scared Gorya in the corner.

"Hu-huh?" Gorya sutured looking at the peoples around her.

"Say, Gorya. You were here, right? You saw everything, right? Then, why don't you tell us the truth or are you going to lie to protect your Idol?" Kiyomi looked at the shivering girl.


"Don't be scared, tell the truth" Mira slowly grabbed Gorya's hand, looking at her.

"Oya?" Kiyomi raised her eyebrow looking at them.

(In case you have forgotten she is half Japanese so it is normal for her to use these words) 

Gorya sighed and nodded e her head looking at Mira and then looked at the blank faced Kiyomi, "S-she pushed Mira and when she tried to protect herself she s-slapped her" Gorya said it all in one breath.

Kiyomi smirked looking at Gorya knowing that's what her answer was gonna be, "I see, you too are two-faced bitch, huh?" 

"W-what are you talking about? I just said what I saw" Gorya looked away from Kiyomi, trying to defend herself.

"Oh, is that so? Congratulation" Kiyomi smiled at her, clapping her hands. Kiyomi slowly walked towards Mira, smirking.

"I guess I should also say what I saw right?" Kiyomi looked at the scared Mira as she slowly played with Mira's hair, making her shiver.


"Kiyomi, that's enough!" Ren stood in front of Mira, slightly pushing Kiyomi.

"You all really don't believe me, huh?" Kiyomi looked around, "Fine" she nodded her head.

"Kiyomi, you've to apologize!" Thyme pulled Kyomi by her wrist.

"Thyme, that's ok." Mira said looking down.

"Why should I? I didn't do anything wrong" Kiyomi said looking at the frustrated looking Thyme.

"Kiyomi! I don't care what happened in the past but right now, we all clearly say YOU slapped HER" Thyme screamed at her, tightly holding her wrist.

"Oi, Thyme!" Kavin pushed Thyme away from Kiyomi, "Let's hear what she is saying first befero doing anything, ok?" MJ said as Kavin stood in-front of Kiyomi.

"What's there to here anymore, MJ?" Thyme said looking furiously at Kiyomi.

"Do think I came all the way here just to fight her? If so then let me show you my text me----" Kiyomi stopped what she was saying and sighed looking at Thyme, "Why am I even bothering? If you had trust in me then you wouldn't have questioned me " Kiyomi looked at Thyme and Ren, before walking out of the room.

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