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Kayden POV

I lead Luca over to the toy aisle and let him go find a stuffie. Jacob was coming down to watch him today cause I work and Marcus finally got fully moved out. He's been on his nap schedule for a few days now and he's been asking me to take him to the store ever since I offered to get him one. I really did plan to get him one, I just hadn't gotten around to it.
"Hes cute.." Luca said, holding up a dinosaur stuffie to me.
"Yeah, he is. You want that one?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist. He nodded a little and held the dinosaur close to his chest. He's not little right now, but he's still so cute. To be honest, he's anxious about Jacob coming over. Even though I know Jacob isn't like his girl friend or Marcus' friends, but he doesn't and he's cautious about him. Luca nodded and I smiled.
"Okay, Love." I said, moving my hands from his waist to his free hand and guiding him to the check out.

I scanned the toy and payed for it, handing it to Luca and putting my card away. He held his stuffie and walked out to the parking lot with me.
"Hold my hand." I said, grabbing his. He pouted but held on while I lead him out to the car. I opened the door for him and buckled him in before getting in my side.
"What are you gonna name him?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot.
"Ummmm." He started before going silent and thinking.
"Jupiter.." He mumbled after a bit, kinda slurring his words.
"That's such a cute name, Baby. It really suites him." I praised him, making him smiled and kick his feet. I think Jacob's gonna have a regressed boy on his hands. Jacob should be there soon, he's gonna come over while I'm getting ready to help calm Luca's nerves.

I opened the front door and let Luca in before walking in myself, closing the door behind me.
"K-Kiss?!" Luca asked, rocking on his feet. I smiled and bent down a little, kissing his cheek.
"Dadyyyyy!" He whined, pouting and making me giggle. I gently kissed his lips instead, wrapping my arms around his waist. He quickly kissed me back, cupping my face. I pulled away and pecked the top of his head. He smiled and hugged his stuffie tight.

"Me love you, Dady!" He shouted.
"I love you too, Bubba." I said before there was a knock on the door. I turned around and opened it, Jacob greeting me.
"Hi, Luca!" He exclaimed, glancing past me.
"Hi hi..." He mumbled, peeking out past his stuffie.
"Well, come on in. I'm gonna be getting ready for work in the bedroom if you guys need me. And I'll let you guys know before I leave." I said, stepping back and letting Jacob in. I closed the door behind him and walked into the bedroom while Jacob started talking to Luca.

Jacob POV

Kayden walked into his bedroom, leaving me and Luca to our own devices.
"Hi, Hun. You remember me?" I asked, only now realizing how short he was compared to me. It wasn't a horrible height difference, but it was about a 6 inch difference. He might be intimidated because of it.. Luca nodded and hid his face in his stuffed Dino. I know he's regressed but I don't know how little. I just have to go off of how he acts I guess.
"How about we find something we could do? We could color, or watch cartoons, or build a fort. Or we could find something else." I offered, seeing his slowly pull away his stuffie from his face.

"W-we color..?" He asked, putting his thumb in his mouth.
"Yeah! Go sit in the living room while I ask your Dady for a coloring book." I said. He smiled and toddled into the living room. I walked over to the bedroom, knocking on the door and being told to come in. I did, closing the door behind me.
"Hey, do you have stuff to color with?" I asked, leaning on the door.
"Oh, yeah!" He said before digging through the top drawer of the dresser, grabbing a coloring book and box of markers. He handed them to me before continuing to put his shirt on. I mumbled a thanks before walking out to the living room.
"Me color!?" Luca shouted, standing up on the couch.
"Yeah, you get to color." I said, setting them down on the coffee table. He flopped down on his bottom and slipped down onto the floor in front of the table.

I opened the box and set them all out on the table while he searched for a page. He found one eventually of a Princess and grabbed a crayon, biting his lip in concentration while he colored. I gently sat his stuffie down between us and laid against the couch.
"What's your stuffies name?" I asked, breaking his focus.
"Jupiter.." He mumbled, putting his fingers in his mouth.
"That's a cute name! Do you have a paci or a teether?" I questioned. I don't think Kayden likes him biting on himself and I'm not tryna break his rules. He nodded a little and got up, almost falling. I quickly grabbed his sides to help stabilize him, letting go once he got him balance. He rushed out of the living room, I assume to get his paci. He soon enough ran back in, a black and green paci in hand.

"Aw that's such a cute paci! Did your Daddy get you that?" I asked, knowing the answer already. He nodded and smiled bright, sitting down next to me again. He seemed hesitant to put it in his mouth. Poor boy probably is embarrassed about it. I gently took it from him and popped it into his mouth. He smiled and sucked on it while he began coloring again.

"Baby, I'm going to work!" Kayden called out, walking into the living room. Luca gasped and shot up, running over to him.
"N-no! No go bye bye.." He whined, clinging onto Kayden and taking the paci out of his mouth. I frowned and stood up, slowly making my way over to the two others.
"Bubbas, Daddy's gotta go to work. I'll be back tonight, I promise. After work I'll give you all sorts of cuddles and kisses." Kayden reassured him, scratching his head.
"Otays..." He mumbled, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. Kayden kissed his head and he let go, reluctantly. I reached up and scratched his head while Kayden said good bye.
"Bye bye, Dady.." He mumbled, sniffling. Kayden walked out the door and the second he did Luca started crying. Hard.

"Oh, c'mere bubs." I whispered, opening my arms for him. He turned around and wrapped his arms around me, shoving his face in my shirt.
"I-I wan Dady.." He cried out.
"I know, hun. He'll be home before you know it, I swear." I comforted him, rubbing his back. He pulled his head out of my chest and reached up for me, so I picked him up. I paced the first floor and bounced him in my arms, humming to lullabies. He slowly quit crying, sitting up in my arms and wiping his tears away.
"All better?" I gently asked, walking into the living room an sitting down on the couch with him in my lap. He quietly nodded and sniffled.
"C'mon, lets color." I said, moving down to the floor and flipping him around in my lap so he was facing the table.
"Y-yeah.. I color.." He whispered, putting his paci back in before picking up a crayon and coloring again.

"Lookie!!" He shouted, turning to face me and pointing back at his coloring page. This was about the 12th one he's done so far, in between almost each page he had to show Jupiter how good he did on it.
"You did so good! We should show Dady when he gets home, he'll be so proud of you!" I exclaimed, rubbing his back and making him smile.
"Show Dady!" He shouted, kicking his legs. I smiled before checking the time, seeing that it was a little past 3. Oops.
"Bubba, it's nap time." I said, standing up and picking him up with me.
"Go night night?" He asked, making me nod.

"Yep, you gotta go sleep." I answered, bringing him into the bedroom and laying him on the bed. I turned off the bedroom light and turned the night light on, leaving it on the color it was already on. Which was orange. He pushed himself up and sat on his bottom, whining.
"Oh, come on, Hun. Lay down, think about it this way. If you take a nap now, you'll be able to stay up longer with Daddy." I reasoned with him, patting his back. He nodded a bit and laid down on his tummy, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"Jupiter..?" He quietly asked, sucking on his paci.
"Lemme go get him, Bubs." I mumbled, getting up and quickly picking up the stuffed dinosaur. I brought him back to Luca and handed him over. He grabbed it and cuddled it close while I sat down again and rubbed his back until he fell asleep.

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