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Kayden POV
"Come on, Hun!" I called out, finishing tying my shoes. Luca had a dentist appointment, and he says he's never been before. Which I believe without a doubt. He ran out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, grabbing his sneakers and sitting down to put them on. I would normally help him tie them, but I don't think babying him is the best idea right now. He's already anxious and him being little when there's people poking and scraping around in his mouth, is probably terrifying. Especially when you've never done it before.

"Am I gonna get a shot..?" He quietly asked, tightening his laces.
"Not today. Today, you're just getting them cleaned and looked at. If you have cavities, we have to make another appiutment to get them filled." I explained. He sniffled a bit and nodded, tightening his shoes and standing up.
"You ready?" I asked, turning the doorknob. Luca nodded and zipped up his jacket. Guess we'll see how it goes.

About an hour after Luca was taken back behind the front desk, I finally saw him again. He stepped out into the lobby and glanced around before seeing me, his lip begining to quake when he locked eyes with me. I stood up and he hurried over to me, wrapping me in a big hug. I kissed his forhead before grabbing his hand and pulling away. I led him to the front desk to schedule his next 6 month cleaning. Or fillings for cavities I'm sure he has.
"Okay, with Luca there was a couple cavities. On both 14 and 15, his upper left molars, and one on 11. Which is his upper left canine." She said, making Luca confused and me nod.
"So, we'd want him back in about 2 weeks for fillings. And the days open are the 27,28, and 29 of December." The receptionist continued, clicking stuff.
"The 28th is fine." I said, rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand. We decided on the time being 11 am and when I say we I mean me and the receptionist. Luca was silent.

I lead him outside to the parking lot and let go of his hand, unlocking the car. I climbed in and turned the key in the ignition while Luca got buckled in.
"How do they fill cavities?" He quietly asked, not looking at me.
"Well," I began, putting the car in reverse and sighing, "They numb your mouth and drill out the cavities, then fill it in with resin." I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, begining to drive the couple miles back home.
"Drill?!" He asked, looking at me in shock. Ah shit.
"Yeah, but it's not like what they use for building. Its made for dentistry. Plus where ever they're doing the filling at, will be numb so you'll only feel the vibrations. Not any pain." I reasoned. He sighed loud and rubbed his eyes.
"If it's at 11, how early do I need to be up?" He asked, moving on for my sanity's sake.

"10 probably." I mumbled.
"When will it be done?"
"Baby, I don't know for sure. At least an hour or two." I told him as I slowed down at a red light. He silently nodded before swinging his legs. I rested my hand on his thigh, comfortingly.
"I've gotten them done before and it doesn't hurt at all. The worst part is the numbing shot, but it's a small pinch." I further consoled him. He nodded absently and I saw his mind going blank. He's probably going into little space. I put both hands back on the steering wheel and crossed the light that just turned green.

When we got home, Luca was fighting his regression. You could see it with how he tried to put his thumb in his mouth when he spaced out, when he slurred his words and didn't notice, he's even almost called me Dady.
"My teeth huwt.." He whined, begining to pick at his teeth and mouth.
"Ah ah. No sir." I scolded him, grabbing his hand and pulling it away from his mouth. He groaned and stomped his feet as I closed the front door. I sighed and sat down at the table while he pouted at me.
"Come here, love bug." I mumbled. Luca smiffled and eventually climbed into my lap, hugging me tight.
"Aww, poor little boy." I whispered, scratching his back.
"M-M not littl.." He whined, slurring his words and proving me right.
"Are you sure? Dady can take care of you if you are?" I asked as I stopped scratching him.

"Mmm.." He whined, looking away, "M-maybe I littl.." I kissed his forhead before kissing all over his face, making Luca giggle.
"My cute little baby..." I praised him. He stimmed a little and babbled at me, making my heart melt a bit.
"How tiny are you?" I asked. He shrugged a little and kinda stared at me.
"Are you my baby? Are you teeny tiny?" I cooed at him, scratching his head. He leaned into my hand and looked up at me with his big doe eyes. I reluctantly stood up and carried him to the living room, setting him down on the couch, on his back. He giggled and reached up for me, smiling.
"Feeling clingy, huh babes?" I asked, cupping his face in my hands. I smiled a little and kissed all over his face multiple times. He squealed and stimmed, grabbing my hands tight.
"Dady!" He exclaimed, most definetly in baby space.
"That's right! Daddy." I reassured him, sitting up straight again. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and teethed on them, making me sigh.

"Lemme get your paci." I mumbled, standing up. He protested by whining and calling out for me while I walked into the bedroom, grabbed his pacifier, and walked back.
"Dady!" He shouted, his face lighting up. I chuckled and sat down in front of him, sticking it in his mouth. He sucked on it and made noises at me while I turned on the TV. I put on Disney and scrolled through all the Christmas movies considering the holiday was 3 days away. I put on the Grinch, the animated one, and turned up the volume. That got Luca's attention. He gasped and turned his head to the TV, completely immersed.
"Dady!" He shouted, climbing into my lap but not looking at me. I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around his waist while he rocked himself and watched.

I ran my hands through his hair, occasionally loosely braiding it then letting it fall apart. He shifted so he was facing me and kissed my cheek. I leaned down and blew a raspberry on his tummy, getting a big giggle, and pulled his shirt back down past his waist.
"Dady!" He exclaimed, swinging his legs.
"Hey cutie." I said, cracking a small smile.
"Dady!" He shouted as I picked up his paci, putting it up to his mouth. The movie now no longer his main focus.
"Hi Baby." I mumbled, scratching his head. He laid his head on me and rubbed his face on my chest. He's probably getting sleepy, it's almost his nap time anyways. Soon I saw his eyes flutter closed and him force them back open, making me sigh.
"Go night night, Baby. I'm right here." I encouraged him, shifting into a more comfortable position. He whined and held me close before closing his eyes.

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