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Luca Pov
"Dady?" I asked, climbing up on his lap. Papa's still sleeping so I'm being clingy to Dady instead, especially cause he was all sad last night.
"What is it?" He mumbled, picking at his breakfast.
"You better?" I asked as I held him. He kind of nodded before taking a bite of his toast. I don't exactly believe him, but maybe it's just me projecting.
"How about you go find something to do? Or bug Jacob." He suggested, sliding me off his lap. Does he not want me on him? Maybe he's not better. Regardless, I nodded and went to the bedroom to check if Papa was awake. He wasn't. I pouted and climbed up on the bed, gently cuddling up to Jacob.

The entire day was pretty shitty. When Jacob woke up he wasn't in the mood either to cuddle.
"Go do something, I don't want you up on me this early." He groaned, pushing mh away from him and burying his head in the mattress.
"M-mkay.." I mumbled, sliding out of bed and picking up Jupiter.
"Dady.. You want lovies?" I quietly asked, walking into the living room and hoping for a yes. Maybe he changed his mind.
"No. Go bother Jacob." He told me again, making my eyes fill with tears.
"Jacob doesn't want em either." I said, hugging my stuffie.
"Well, figure it out. I don't know what to tell you." He said, sighing at me. I rubbed my eyes and walked up to the upstairs, into Jacob's room. I sniffled and took a breath to keep myself from crying. That's why the hate me, cause I'm too sensitive and too clingy.

They didn't try and talk to me. They let me sit upstairs on my phone the entire time and I even heard them having fun dow stairs. I eventually just moved to the upstairs bathroom so I could listen to music better. I guess music from my old playlist came on because Rebzyxx came on, specifically them glorifying be skinny and cutting. I didn't bother to change it though. If they don't want to come talk to me then who am I to try and shove myself in. I don't exactly know when but at some point I fell out of my headspace and any sliver of critical thinking left too. Fuck me and my feelings, it's my fault they're excluding me. I caught feeling for both of them and agreed to dating the 2 of them, it's my fault they're together and having fun. I'm just not supposed to be here. They're meant to date not me. I'm not capable of love, it can't ever end good.

"Luca you up here?" Jacob asked, knocking and pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Yeah." I mumbled, standing up and opening the door for him.
"Hey, what's wrong? You've been on your own for a bit." He asked, taking my hand in his. I shrugged a little and rubbed my face. I guess when I'm emotionally tired, I'm also just tired.
"I know somethings wrong, you can tell me about it." He told me.
"Just.." I started, already tearing up. "Kayden wasn't feeling touchy and told me to bug you and you didn't want it either." I was only leaving out half of it, the part where they pretty much forgot me. Jacob pulled me into a hug and kissed my head which made me start crying.
"I-I don't wanna cry.." I whined, rubbing my eyes.
"Shh.. Go ahead and cry, Baby." He said, picking me up. My body racked with cries as I sobbed into his shoulder. He carried me downstairs to the bedroom where I guess Kayden was too.

"Luca, come here.." He whispered, Jacob handing me over. I tried breathing to stop my tears but it didn't do a whole lot.
"Dady.. 'm sorry." I whispered, rubbing my eyes.
"Babe, nobody's mad at you.." He said, scratching my head.
"But you was!" I cried, laying against his chest.
"Y-you was mad cause I wanted cuddle.." Neither of them responded to me; I just felt Jacob climb on the bed. He gently kissed the top of my head and laid against me while I chewed on my sleeve.
"You want your paci?" Dady asked, reaching over and grabbing it already. I nodded a little bit and let him put it in my mouth, making me feel smaller than before.

Jacob POV
Kayden has had a bunch of mood swings lately, and I don't think Luca can figure it out. I know he's already unsure what's wrong and Kayden shutting him out doesn't exactly help. I know Luca's always clingy but he's always been clingy, and Kayden suddenly changing how he feels about them doesn't make Luca feel the greatest. I know I need to talk to Kay and Luca just went to bed, so I guess I should do it now.
"Kay kay." I said, scratching Luca's head.
"Hm?" He asked, glancing up at me.
"Are you sure you're doing okay? Do we need to talk to your psychiatrist about your meds?" I gently asked.
"What do you mean?" He asked, suddenly looking upset.

"Well, you're kinda up and down lately and I didn't know if you thought you should mess with then. And you know your medicine better than I do, so I figured I'd ask you." I tried to explain.
"No. I don't." He bluntly said, starting to stare at me.
"I don't know, Babe. I think we might want to talk to someone about it." I suggested.
"I don't. And it's my medicine, so why do you need to have a say in it?" He argued, standing up.
"Because I care about you, I don't want you to start sabatoging yourself again. Me and Luca don't want that, and I'm sure if he were awake he'd say the same stuff." I said, taking my hand away from Luca.
"Wake him up then. Ask him." He challenged me, leaning on the doorframe.
"He just fell asleep, I'm not waking him up." I reasoned, standing up.

"Don't touch me right now." He told me, stepping back as I got closer to him. I stopped walking and listened.
"You need a second, I'm gonna take Luca to the living room and let him sleep on the couch while you calm down. Okay?" I said, gently picking Luca from the bed. He shifted but didn't wake up as I brought him to the living room and let Kayden slam the door. I'm not gonna fight him over that, it's not worth it. I'd rather let his do what he needs to, safely, to calm down. When I laid Luca down though, he did wake up a bit.
"Papa..!" He whined, rolling onto his tummy and sitting up on his elbows.
"Shh.. Go back to sleep, Bubba. I'm right here." I soothed him, patting his back. He pouted and flopped his head down onto he couch, quickly falling back to sleep. I scrolled on my phone until I heard soft crying from the bedroom, making me frown. He crashed. I stood up and walked into the bedroom to Kaydens head in his lap as he shook, quietly crying.

"Come here." I mumbled, sitting next to him and holding his hand. He sniffled and scooted close to me, wiping off his face.
"Aw, Babe." I said, giggling a bit. I kissed his lips gently and wiped away his tears.
"I'm sorry.. Is Luca okay? Are you okay?" He quietly asked, running his thumb over the back of my hand.
"He's okay, He's sleeping and I'm all good. But I'm worried about you, Kay. What's wrong?" I asked.
"I don't know.. Maybe it's just stress." He said, laying on Mr.
"Do you want cuddles? Or do you want some space?" I asked, gently rubbing his arm.
"I want cuddles.." He whispered, standing up.
"Lemme get Luca." I said as I stood up too. I quickly went back into the living room, scooped Luca up in my arms, and brought him back to the bedroom. Which woke him up again.

"Mmm.. Dady!" He whined, rubbing his face on the sheets.
"Shhh.. You're okay, Baby." I soothed him. He pouted and crawled/climbed into Kayden's lap, making him smile. I snapped the light off and shut the door before turning on Luca's night light.
"Papa.. Kiss?" He asked, looking back at me as I sat down on the bed. I leaned over and kissed his lips for a good few seconds before pulling away and taking off my jeans. He turned back to Kay and kissed him about the same way he kissed me. I'm sure that makes Kayden feels better, I think he was starting to feel insecure. I laid down and closed my eyes, falling asleep surprisingly quick.

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