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Luca POV

Dady drove away and Jacob told me to come inside, so I did. I didn't know if I should take off my shoes so I just kinda stood there. I think Jacob was telling me something but I didn't hear it. He didn't have shoes on, so should I take mine off? But, it's his house so maybe he just doesn't wear his inside. I don't know.
"Okay?" He asked, making me look up at him.
"Huh..?" I asked, making him smile.
"I said we can do what you wanna do. As long as it doesn't need driving." He repeated. I nodded and debated asking him. Would that be rude? Or would it be worse to assume..
"S-shoes?" I asked, picking at my nail beds.
"Oh, it doesn't much matter. You can keep em on or take em off, you're choice." He said, crouching down a little so we were the same height. Another choice..

I slid them off and felt me pick at a spot that really hurt. I looked down at my hands and saw my thumb kinda bleeding.
"Aw, c'mon. I'll get you a band-aid. He said, standing up fully and leading me down a hallway. I followed until he suddenly stopped and opened a door. I peeked in after he walked in, it was the bathroom. I stepped in and watched him look around for a second Eventually he found them and grabbed one for me.
"Can I see your hand?" He asked, closing the cabinet. I held my hand out to him and he peeled the band-aid and wrapped it around my thumb.
"Fank you.." I mumbled, looking at the cute patter. It had little minecraft hearts on it. I smiled and giggled, reaching up for Jacob. He picked me up and rubbed my back, carrying me into the living room.

I didn't think much about him carrying me until his girl friend started staring at us. She seamed mad.
"This is fucking stupid." She mumbled before grabbing her phone and storming out. I held onto Jacob and whined.
"Dady..." I whimpered, holding onto Jacob's shirt.
"Oh, Hun.. we can try calling Dady but he is working. So he might not be able to answer, Okay?" He asked, patting my back. I nodded and tried my best to make my anxiety go away. I had somewhat calmed myself down, but not much. Jacob dialed his number and put it on speaker, letting it ring.

"Hey, it's Kayden. I'm busy right now but yknow, it's my voice-mail so leave a message." It said.
He must be busy... I probably shouldn't have tied calling him. I sniffled and layed against Jacob.
"He's just got alot to do at work. He's not angry at you, Hun." He said, rubbing my tummy.
"Hope so.." I mumbled.
"Hey, you hungry? Your dady texted me and said you needed breakfast." He said, standing up. I nodded a little and started picking at my eyebrows.
"Ok, Bubbas... Come here." Jacob said, picking me up off the couch. I literally can't do anything by myself... I always need someone and I shouldn't. I felt all my emotions kinda leave. I honestly just stopped feeling alot out of nowhere. I hate when this happens, I always do something 'dumb'. That's what people describe it as, dumb. And that's how I feel. Like I literally should fucking die cause I'm such a failure. But, I don't have any reason to do anything, nothing big happend. I'm just a stupid adult who acts like a kid.

"I can walk.." I mumbled, no longer regressed. I don't wanna regress ever again, it's fucking dumb for me to do that.
"If you say so." He mumbled, setting me down on my feet. I followed him into the kitchen and sat at the island, kind of swinging my legs cause of how tall the chairs were.
"What do you want? I know Kayden said you can be particular about what you eat." He said, leaning on the island across of me. I shrugged.
"I'll just eat whatever." I mumbled before setting my head down. He mumbled something like an OK and I heard him getting into the fridge and cabinets.

"Oh the urge to bash my head again the marble counter top.." I whispered to myself. I didn't need Jacob hearing me and getting concerned. I wasn't gonna do it, just thinking about it. I'd like to, don't get me wrong, I just know when to be quiet about it. My dad taught me real early on that expressing those thoughts to anyone was useless. It wouldn't help anyways, according to him it would just make people worried over a nobody. To be fair, he's got a point.
"My baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun, my baby's got a gun. I better run." I whsiper-sang. Thinking about my dad made me think about all the intrusive thoughts I've had with him, one being shooting him with the hand gun he killed my first dog with. Hence the Hayloft by Mother Mother.
"What song is that?" He asked, setting down a plate. He didn't sound judgey, just curious.

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