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Luca POV

I've been gone for a while, and I know no one is reading this, but I was in a shelter and now I'm back and wanna get something posted. I'll do my best to keep posting regularly.


"God fucking damn it!" Dady shouted, slamming down his phone onto the counter. I jumped in my chair and stared at him, breathing hard. He really scared me, it actually came out of nowhere.
"I'm sorry, Hun.." He mumbled, looking over at me.
"I forgot about your appoitment, and I guess it was today." He walked over to me and scratched my head, pressing my head against his chest.
"I-Is okay." I mumbled, swinging my legs and looking up at him.
"No it's not.. You need to go to those and I can't just forget. And its my fault I didn't take you." He said, sighing.
"I didn't 'member either." I said, trying to make him feel a bit better.
"Well, you also don't drive." He replied.

"Dady... Eat.." I whined, pouting. He was making me something, he told me but I don't remember, and I was starving.
"I know, I'm making you dinner." He said, leaning down a little. I quickly leaned up, pecking him on the lips.
"Aww thank you, Baby. You're so cute." He mumbled before tilting my head up and kissing my lips passionately. He pulled away and I giggled, kicking my leggies.
"Oh, you like Dady's kisses?" He asked, smiling and kissing me again. When he pulled away I bit my lip and stimmed.
"You're so cute, Bubbas." He mumbled, reaching and scratching my head.
"D-dady cute!" I exclaimed. I don't want him to think I don't appreciate him.
"Thank you, Hun." He said, chuckling.
"I-I luv youuu!" I shouted, smiling big. He tried to hold in his giggles and smiles back at me.
"I love youuuuu too." He said.

His phone alarm went off and he put on an oven mitt, taking out the baking pan and setting it on top of the stove.
"I see!" I shouted, hopping up and hurrying over to him. He made me chicken nuggets, but they were shaped like dinos.
"Rawr!!" I exclaimed, stomping. Dady smiled and turned his head to face me.
"Is that what a dinosaur says?" He asked, grabbing a plate for me. I nodded and started stomping around the kitchen and rawring.
"Come here, you're plates all done." Dady said, interrupting my playing pretend. I pouted but walked over to the table and sat down where Dady put my plate. I picked up one and debated where to bite it before chomping off its head. Then I noticed Dady didn't have a plate.

"Dady..?" I quietly asked, looking up at him.
"Yeah?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
"You eat..?" I mumbled, setting down my food.
"I'm not hungry right now, Hun." He said, shaking his head a bit.
"No.." I mumbled, getting up and climbing into his lap.
"Dady gotta eat..!" I said, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"I'll eat, Love. Just later. I promise." He said, holding out his pinky for me. I wrapped mine around his and nodded a bit.
"Mkay.." I whispered.
"Here, how about you eat." Dady suggested, pulling my plate over to us. I picked one up and held it up to him.
"Try. Plees Dady." I begged. He sighed playfully then took a big bite, making me giggle.
"They're safe." He said. I popped the rest in my mouth and kicked my leggies, rocking myself.

"Hey, Bubbas. Do you mind if my friends come over tonight? I asked Jacob to not bring Leah." He asked as I was finishing my plate. I think this was the first time I ate most of my dinner. I nodded a little and looked up at Dady. He was smiling at me before he kissed my head and said thank you. I don't mind just being with Dady, but he likes his friends and it wouldn't be fair to him if I said no. We normally do what I want, and Dady needs some of what he wants too. I rocked as I felt myself get more and more bored just sitting here. Dady got out his phone and was doing something. Probably texting people to come over. The longer I sat there the harder I rocked myself until I eventually hit my back against the table.
"Owies.." I quietly mumbled as Dady wrapped an arm around where I hit my back.
"Careful, there's a table there." He warned me, a little too late if you ask me.

"D-Dady.. Kiss." I whined, kinda begging for attention.
"Hold on, Babes." Dady said, not looking up yet. I huffed and kicked my leggies, begginibg to throw a fit.
"Hold on." He said, sterner. I pouted and kicked harder. I jus need Dadys lovies.
He looked at me and frowned while I just continued to squirm. He gently set his phone down and reached up, scratching my head. I slowly stopped and just leaned into Dady, sniffling a bit.
"There you go, Bubba.." He whispered, scratching my head a little harder.
"N-Need Dady attentin.." I whined quietly.
"Aww, I'm sorry. I had to finish that message and I couldn't think while typing." He explained as he moved his hand down to my face, caressing my cheek.
"Mm.." I whimpered, feeling heat rush to my face.
"Poor baby... Let Dady make it all better." He whispered before kissing all over my face. I giggled and couldn't help but feel a little better.

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