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[Jacob POV]

I woke up to a phone call and since I was half asleep, I answered. I didn't want to wake up Luca from the ringtone and I figured it could've been important. The first one was. It was my doctor's office calling me about rescheduling my appointment for tomorrow. I was supposed to go last week but all that shit came up so I couldn't, and tomorrow is the only day I could've made it on time. The second one was Kayden's neighbor or whoever calling me, I think the girl he hooked up with yesterday.
"Hey, Jacob right?" He started.
"Ya?" I asked, confused. Why the hell would she call me for something other than Kayden?
"Well, Kay Kay told me to call you and ask if Luca needed his meds or something. I don't know but I think it was that," She said.
"Um, if he wants me to pick them up I can. But tell him if he's gonna drop it off here, to just not even bother," I warned her, sitting up and stretching.
"Will do, I'll let him know and text you," She decided like we were friends.
"Kay," I mumbled before hanging up.

I groaned and tried to stay awake as I got out of bed. It's never a matter of if I slept enough, It doesn't matter how much I get. I'm always dead tired waking up. I slept in my jeans so I just changed my shirt and put on deodorant. I checked the time, it was 7:28 and my alarm was gonna go off in 2 minutes. I went ahead and turned it off, dropping my phone on the bed.

I got dressed and ready like normal, popped my back, and put on my shoes. Then my phone rang again.
"Fuck," I mumbled, picking it up and answering it so it didn't wake Luca up. I don't really want to have to tell him bye this morning. It was that neighbor chick's phone.
"Hello?" I asked, putting the phone up to my ear.
"Jacob-" Kayden started, making me audibly groan.
"Kayden unless this is about his meds, I'm not talking to you." I firmly told him, fully prepared to hang up.
"Hey, hear me out. I can bring you his prescriptions if you just give me the address." He tried to negotiate.
"No, you're not showing up here," I said again.
"Then let me come to your work! Let me meet you halfway! Just please, I need to talk to you. Face to face," He asked.
"Fine, I'll meet you halfway," I finally agreed so he would shut up. We agreed on a street and time. We decided on doing it after he got off work at 8 tomorrow, meaning it'd be right after Luca wakes up. I really just hope he doesn't pull anything.

[Luca POV]

I woke up but my shoulders hurt. I probably slept on it wrong, but it was sore. When I woke up, Papa wasn't home so I assumed he went to work. But, I didn't hear Spade either. I slid out of bed and grabbed Jupiter. He told me I could hold him again. I crossed the hallway and knocked on his door, trying not to think about how much deja vu this was giving me. Spade doesn't even do that stuff, there's no way. However, with each second that passed I got more concerned.
"Spade?" I asked, knocking again. He didn't answer so I took the liberty of opening the door.
"You awake...?" I quietly asked, stepping in his room. He looked up at me like I was stupid for opening the door. Or maybe I just think that's how he looked, but it still hurt.
"Yeah, I'm up," was all he said, looking back at his game.

"M sorry..." I whispered, rubbing my eyes.
"Come here, Bubba. Wanna play a game?" He asked, opening his arms for me. I quickly hurried over to him, climbing in his lap.
"What's wrong, Lukie? Are ya grumpy 'cause you just woke up?" He asked, brushing my hair out of my face. People seem to be doing that a lot more lately, so Maybe I should start wearing it up. I shook my head and sniffled, holding him a little closer.
"What is it, are you sad?" He asked, loading his game again.
"Thought you was hurt..." I mumbled, laying my head on him.
"Aw, Bubba, I'm okay. I promise," He gently soothed me. He was playing some first-person shooter that made a lot of noise, but I was thoroughly entertained watching it.

After a particular death in the game, he groaned and quickly quit, flopping against the back of the chair. I tried not to giggle but wasn't completely successful.
"Are you laughing at me?" He asked, starting to smile himself. I quickly nodded, making him pretend to gasp.
"I can't believe you'd ever laugh at me!" He exclaimed, "That hurts, dude."
"Is funny," I mumbled before getting that feeling right before your tummy growls. I kinda like when it does that, cus it makes me feel skinny but I also hate it cause it can make people stare at me.
"I'll remember this and laugh at you next time," He informed me before setting me on my own feet and getting up.
"Spade! We go outside?" I quickly asked, starting to hope. I wanna go play in the dirt and it's not raining no more, so I think it's perfect.
"Let me get coffee and I'll take you outside," He agreed, heading to the kitchen. I hurried after him and rocked on my feet, waiting for him to get it ready, watching it drip into his cup, and patiently letting him put stuff in it.

He put a lid on it and opened the front door for me. I jumped out onto the walkway and he let me run to the backyard. He sat in a swing while I kneeled down and started flipping over rocks, looking for worms. I like worms specifically but not other bugs.
I picked up a thick but short stick and started digging, really hoping I'd find one. I saw the end of a little worm so I dug under him and scooped him up from the dirt, making me giggle. But he needs dirt so I put a little bit in my hand on top of him before I kept digging.

I ended up with like 12 and some of them were super big and a couple was itty bitty.
"Look it!" I shouted, standing up without my hands and running over to the swing.
"What it is?" He asked as I held them up to him.
"Have you ever gone fishing?" He asked, making me pout.
"They not gonna get eaten, I jus gonna put 'em back," I told him.
"I'm just kidding, Lukie, you found a bunch of them." He praised me, making me stimm. I love praise, no matter what the basis of it is. I sat down on my butt next to him and started digging a new hole for them to live in. I eventually decided it was good enough for them and laid them down before gently layering the dirt back over them. I pat only the top layer down hard so people wouldn't step and crush them.
"Look at you, you took such good care of them. Aren't you responsible?" He told me, making me look up and smile a lot. Spade feels like the uncle I never got and I love him like one too.

[Spade POV]

Luca most definitely loves getting compliments. I told him he was responsible, just to make him feel a bit better, but he was smiling about as big as possible. He hopped up, dirt all over his pants, and stood at the swing next to me. He put the swing just above his waist before pushing himself once then flipping upside down, just hanging and watching the trees.
"Jesus, I don't think I've ever seen that," I commented, still trying to process how he did that.
"My momma had a swing for a while, an I didn't have no one to play with. So I figured it out," He nonchalantly told me, somehow keeping himself on the swing and letting his arms come down by his head.
"That's gotta be a talent," I mumbled, continuing to watch him. It was partially out of concern for him falling on his face and partially just to keep an eye on him.

He eventually flipped right side up again before complaining about the head rush he got.
"Lemme kiss it all better," I suggested, holding out my arms for him. I didn't fully expect him to actually let me, but I also didn't mind when he did.
"Kiss right there..." He told me, pulling his hair back so I could kiss where he smacked his head off that dresser. I smiled and gently pecked it.
"Thank yous," He mumbled, laying his head on my chest.
"You ready to go inside?" I asked, checking how long we'd been out here. It's been like 43 minutes or something, I didn't double-check my math. He nodded and pulled away, waiting for me to start walking before he ran up to the front door. I followed him and opened the door for him. I've noticed he doesn't like opening doors himself, but I think it's cause he doesn't want to make someone upset.

Jacob texted me that he was gonna come home late but didn't say why, so I just texted back an OK. Luca whined, stirring in my lap and flipping over. He went back to sleep after coming inside, but I'd rather him sleep when he's tired than not sleep at all. He's only been asleep for 10ish minutes, so I hope he's not gonna wake up too soon. I watched whatever was on the TV until Luca quickly sat up, breathing hard.
"Hey, it's okay," I tried to soothe him. "Come here, I'm here,"
"Where Papa...?" He quietly asked. I didn't take it personally, I know he was just missing Jacob and was upset.
"He's still working, Lukie. C'mere, we can cuddle," I offered, him quickly climbing into my lap and laying his head on my chest.
"I-I need Papa," He whispered as I rubbed his head.
"Well, he'll be home after work," I told him. He cuddled me and softly cried into my chest as I rubbed his back. I can't really do anything for him right now so I just let him cry this one out. I think that's better than anything I could say right now.

Jacob got back at about 7 pm, hours later than normal but he did warn me to be fair. But, Luca didn't expect that and was torn up by the time he showed up.
"Papa! Where was you?" He quickly asked, running into the dining room and hugging Jacob.
"I had to work late, Babe," He told him, wrapping his arms around Luca's waist. I probably should've told him. Fuck. He gently cried into Jacob's chest, making me feel guilty. Poor babe.
"Bubba, I'm sorry but I needed the extra hours so I could make a little more," He did his best to explain. Luca pulled away and nodded a little, reaching up for Jacob and making me suddenly feel a bit awkward. Like a 3rd wheel. Maybe I should let them be together, by themselves.

[A/N. Sorry, this is mostly a filler chapter so I get something out and can move on to the next major plot point. The next one should be out soon, but I can't promise anything.]

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