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Luca POV

I pulled out a cigarette from the pack and put it to my lips, fishing out my lighter from the pocket of the hoodie. I put it in front of the cig and lit it up, taking a big drag. I took it from my lips and blew out the smoke as I pulled my phone from my jeans. I can't spend the night on the streets and I don't really have anyone to ask.. Then a message popped up.

'I heard you need a place to stay. You know our house is always open, Lukie.' -Christie

My mom really just texted me.. I stopped walking suddenly and stared at it. I do need somewhere to stay and it can only be tonight. I could find somewhere better in the morning.

'Would you pick me up?'- Lukie
"You know I would'-Christie
'I'm on Washington in Plainville.' -Lukie

I sighed and walked to the edge of the street, where the street sign was and sat down. People driving by will probably stare but I don't care. My lip quivered and I felt tears well up again. I put my head in my lap and began sobbing quietly while waiting.

About 20 minutes into my crying, there was a honking a foot in front of me. My head shot up and I saw my mom's white Honda right in front of me. I hopped up and ran over, getting in the passengers seat. She pressed on the gas and sped down the road before talking to me.
"What happened, Hun?" She asked, glancing over at me.
"He wanted me to leave.." I mumbled, choking on my words. I know telling her this sorta stuff if going to bite me in the ass but I need to talk about it.
"Who did?" She asked.
"My boyfriend.." I said, barely above a whisper. She's never liked me being gay so I don't know how this is going to go over. Seconds after that left my mouth I knew I should've said my roommate or something.

"I warned you, dating guys won't get you anywhere. That's why I divorced your father." She said.
'"I know.. I just thought-" I tried to explain before she cut me off.
"You thinking never works out, we both know this. You never should've left. This never would've happened." She interrupted. I nodded a little and wiped off my face, rubbing my eyes. I held the hoodie sleeve up to my nose and breathed in what still smelled like Kayden. I felt my heart ache as I traced little hearts into my thigh through my jeans while she drove me to her house.

"You're room's still the same. You're bed and everything is still there, you'll have to probably change the sheets though." My mom told me, unlocking the front door. I told her a small thank you and followed after her into the living room.
"Are you hungry? I can make something." She offered, turning the light on.
"I'm okay, I ate dinner already." I reassured her, slipping off my tennis shoes. They're still tied messy from this morning. I don't know why that made me emotional but it did. I sniffled and tried to blink the tears away before they fell.
"Come here, Babe." My mom offered, holding out her arms to me. I sat next to her on the couch and she pulled me into her arms, scratching my head. I wish Kayden was here to do it.

We sat for a bit in silence as she soothed me, telling me all the things I did wrong by leaving. Then she would follow it up with a bunch of I love you's and telling me it's okay now.
"You know I warned you, Hun. I said 'no boy could ever give you enough attention for you to he satisfied'. But, I'm here now and you don't have to worry about him. I can give you that." She said, removing her hands from my hair.
"Yeah.." I quietly mumbled, continuing to trace tiny hearts on myself. She put on a movie that I wasn't paying attention to, but I was getting sleepy. She's finally paying attention, so maybe it won't be too bad. I hope she keeps it up.. This is a pretty good change of pace.

When I woke up, I was still on the couch and I could smell food. That's weird as fuck.. In my whole existence, my family has never let me wake up to food cooking. I slid off the couch and decided to leave Jupiter on the chair next to the couch, rubbing my eyes. I don't think Christie would like me carrying him around. I walked into the kitchen and saw her making bacon and toast. Plus she had fruit out.
"What are you making that for?" I quietly asked, apparently making her aggravated.
"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to do something nice for you?!" He exclaimed, making me somewhat shut down.
"No.. I-I didn't mean it like that.." I mumbled, doing my best to explain myself at 6:12 am. She huffed and turned away, begining to act like I didn't exist. I chewed on the inside of my mouth for a second before deciding it was best for me to walk away. I went unto the living room, grabbed Jupiter, and brought him upstairs into my old bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and looked around the room for a second. My closet was wide open and my dresser top was a mess. I just walked over to my dresser and dug around until I found a little clay star I made in 8th grade when I had extra clay in my art class. It was painted orangish-yellow and had a small smiley face in the middle. I put it in my pocket and heard my phone chime. Was it Kayden..? I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the notification.

'Hey, I'm sorry that I got mad last night. I was frustrated that you scratched yourself and I know it was wrong of me to kick you out. If you want to come back, you're welcome to. I do really miss you.'- Kay Kay

'I'm sorry I did it too, I get why you were mad. I'd love to come back to the house, I'm at my mom's right now and it's kinda putting me on egde.' -Luca

I took a deep breath before accepting that I need to ask Christie for a ride to his house. I'm not going to ask her to drop me off at the house, I don't know what she would do with the exact house we're both at. I walked out into the kitchen where she was turning off the stove and putting the pan in the sink.
"Hey, Momma.." I started, trying not to go into my headspace from the anxiety.
"What?" She asked, glancing at me.
"Do you think you could give me a ride back to his house... We talked and got it figured out." I asked, trying to explain myself before she could intrude about it. Maybe she'll actually take me..
"I don't know, how do I know this isn't going to happen?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the dishes.
"I mean, we talked and he said that he knows he shouldn't have done it. And I don't think he will do it again." I tried to convince her, suddenly feeling 14 again.
"I don't think so. You don't know what's going to happen and I don't want to drive out there again." She said, rinsing off the pan and turning off the water.

"I-I can promise, Momma. If it does I won't bother you, his friend is moving in so I can just give him some space by hanging out with his friend instead." I tried to tell her, begging to get desperate.
"After all I did, I picked you up, let you sleep here, raised you for 18 years, put you through school. And you want to repay me by leaving again?" She asked, looking at me like I was dumb.
"I-" I started, only getting a syllable out before she cut me off.
"I said no!" She exclaimed, suddenly turning to me.
"Well could he come pick me up..?" I quietly asked. I really want to see Kayden. I wanna be little and get kisses and head scratches and play with Jupiter.
"You really think he still wants you? After all this?" She asked in a condescending tone.
"I-I mean I could ask." I said, hopeful.
"Oh my God, you're so dumb! Why would he ever want you back?" She exclaimed, making me go silent. I just nodded a little and walked out to my old room. I think I'm gonna text Kayden anyways..

'My mom's pretty set on not driving me anywhere, so whenever you get a chance I would appreciate you picking me up.'-Luca

'K, just give me a bit. I only just got back from work so I need to change. Then I'll be on my way.' Kay Kay

I felt a weight lifted off my chest and took a deep breath, setting my phone next to me. I put my head in my hands and sighed. I gues all I have to do it wait.

My head shot up as there was a knock on the door. I grabbed Jupiter and my phone before racing downstairs. Before my mom could reach the door, and opened the door up to Kayden.
"Hey, Babes." He said, smiling at me. I quickly enveloped him in a hug and heard my mom behind me.
"This him?" She asked, cigarette smoke blowing in my face. I let go of him and nodded a little.
"I-I went ahead and asked him.." I mumbled, looking everywhere but at her.
"Oh.. I see." Was all she said, clearly frowning at me.
"Um, we should get going. He just got off work, so.." I urged my mom to let us leave, praying she let it go.

"Don't ever call me for anything. Ever. I can see how you like to repay me for raising you for 18 fucking years. Get out of my doorway." She demanded. I quickly listened to her and dragged Kayden out with me to him car which was parked on the side of the road. I heard her slam the door shut as I walked away. I reached up and picked at my eyebrows as Kayden let me in the car. I buckled in and felt my heart somewhat slow down as Kayden got in too.
"Luca, I really did miss you. Okay? And I know why it was wrong for me to shove you out like that." Kayden said, once again, and rested his hand on my thigh.
"I know. I really do. I get that you were just frustrated and I know you just needed a bit." I empathized, putting my hand over top his.
"Okay, Baby. I love you.." He mumbled, leaning over and kissing my forhead before putting the car in drive.

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