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[Jacob POV]
There wasn't much else in the boxes, it was mostly hygiene stuff like toothbrushes and deodorant.
"Let me go brush my teeth," Luca mumbled after he put all the clothes in the dresser. I let him and turned on my phone. I love the pictures I got of him, even when I'm at work I can see him. I just want pictures of his face now. Which actually might be harder for him to agree to rather than the indecent ones. He's been gaining weight lately, which makes me so happy for him. Despite all of what's going on, he's been eating for us and he's getting a tiny little belly. For me, regardless of his weight, he'll be absolutely stunning.

He ran back I'm and stimmed a little bit.
"What is it?" I asked, standing up and turning my phone off.
"I'm getting a belly!" He shouted, smiling and flapping his hands.
"I know, you look amazing," I agreed. He might hate it later, but I never could hate any part of him. He quickly kissed my lips for a second then pulled away.
"You should go outside with me," He told me.
"I should? And do what," I asked.
"We can play in the hose! It's hot outside and everything," He tried to convince me.
"Why not. Let me get shorts on," I mumbled, opening the drawer. I quickly changed into regular shorts and took off my T-shirt. I don't really feel like doing laundry.
"C'mon, I'm burning to death," He whined, reminding me he probably needs sunscreen. It's bright outside and with how pale he is, I imagine he burns easily.
"Speaking of, you need sunscreen. Let me get it," He groaned but let me grab it out of the bathroom cabinet. I called him over to me, away from the front door he was so eager to open. He reluctantly came over as I poured some out. I rubbed it into his shoulders, collarbone, and face before his legs and thighs.

I quickly shoved some on my exposed skin, not near as careful or thorough as I was with Luca.
"We ready?" He asked, back at the door.
"I guess so," I told him, not bothering to put on shoes. He took my hand and dragged me out to the backyard, turning on the hose.

We ended up playing red light green light and if you messed up you got sprayed with water.
"Red light," I told him and he stopped mid-step. I watched him for a whole second before he just put his foot down and covered his face, accepting he was gonna get wet. I poured water on him, making him shriek.
"Eek! We said no face shots!" He shouted, giggling as I moved the water away from him.
"That wasn't even a face shot," I told him, smiling a bit.
"If being hit straight in the face isn't a face shot, then what is?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips.
"Okay, I guess it was," I gave in, setting the water source down.
"Maybe I should just shove you in the mud so I can hose you off," I teased him, stepping closer.

"Jacob I don't wanna shower after this," He protested, stepping away from me. When I started to run at him, he ran away up to the front yard. So of course I followed him. He was running parallel to the road, a couple of feet away from it, when I grabbed him from behind and hugged him.
"You don't wanna get in the mud?" I teased him, making him laugh and shake his head.
"These are the only clean shorts I like," He told me.
"Well, I guess I won't then," I huffed, kissing his cheek and letting him go.
"Go turn the hose off," I gently told him, watching him run back to the backyard to turn it off how I asked. After like 10 seconds I decided to go follow him. Partially cause I just felt like it, but also because I wanted to be close to him. He was rinsing off his toes when I walked back there, which was really funny to me.
"Don't laugh at me!" He shouted, fighting a smile. "Let me rinse yours off, you'll track mud in the house," I listened and let him, but not without poking fun at him for it.
"You're a real primadonna, y'know that?" I asked as he turned off the water.
"You still love me though," He told me, grabbing my hand and bringing me inside.

"Is your face hot? I wanna know if you got burnt," I asked, shutting the door being me. He shook his head and pulled his wet tank top away from his chest. It was a white one so since it was wet, I could see his entire chest. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and scrubbed him partially dry then wrapped it around him.
"M hungry," He whined, his speech slurring a little bit.
"Are you my little baby?" I asked as I opened the fridge. He nodded a bit and shifted on his feet.
"Mkay, you want fruit?" I asked. It's not noon yet, so I figured he'd rather have something sweet and eat real lunch later. Spade had kiwi, strawberry, and mango cut up in pre-made fruit salad already. He told me before he left for work to just make whatever is in the fridge or cabinets, basically that nothing was off-limits.
"Ya, eat it," He said, messing with his fingers. I got it out and put some in a bowl for him and thought about handing him a fork but figured not. He doesn't really use silverware when he's little, so I'll just let him use his hands.

I put it in front of him and let him babble, eating what he wants from it.
"Papa! I share," He told me, handing me a strawberry.
"Aw thank you, Baby," I said, taking it from him and eating it. Maybe I'm hungry, but I'll make something during his nap. I was just letting him take his time and ate what he handed me since every time he told me he wanted to share. Until my phone rang. It was sitting in the middle of the table, face up, and the caller ID was Chris. I picked up my phone and answered, setting it on speaker. I don't want Luca to think it's Kayden.
"Hey man," I greeted him, getting a hi.
"It's Layla's birthday today and we're getting together if you wanna come down," He invited me.
"Um, I would but I have Luca if that changes anything," I told him.
"Nah I don't care, I told Spade too cause it's after he gets off. There's not gonna be a lot of people," He reassured me. Luca looked up at me and he seemed excited at the thought of it.
"You wanna go?" I asked him. He giggled and nodded a lot, bouncing in his seat.

I agreed to go and bring Luca since he looked pumped about it. Chris said it was at 6 ish so we had a while until he had to leave. But Luca wanted to get ready as soon as I said yes.
"We've got a while 'til we've gotta go," I tried to tell him. He was trying to get me into the shower with him right now. He didn't want to wait.
"Papa, c'mon! Please jus take one with me," He begged, hanging on my arm. I sighed and followed him into the bathroom. I was gonna take one anyways, but I didn't plan for it to be this early in the day. I turned on the water for him and helped him get undressed before I got another towel out for me. I just hung up the one he had been using to dry off with.

"I'm all naked," He whined as I was digging through his clothes for something he'd wear out. I already got pants and boxers on so I was looking for some he would wear.
"I know it, Bubba. Do you want shorts?" I asked, hoping to actually get an answer. I asked before and he didn't answer but I don't think he heard me.
"Ya," He said, stimming. The only shorts I could find were almost booty shorts since his other ones got wet outside. I don't care if he wears them out but I don't want him to be uncomfortable. I don't think he really cares right now though, so I'll just put him in them. I actually put some thought into things looking okay this time. Since his boxers were gonna be longer than the shorts, in some way, I grabbed a pair that had stars on the waistband it'd look intentional. I grabbed a white tank top and tossed them onto the bed.
"We gotta get dressed," I told him. He scooted off the bed and stepped into the bottoms. I messed with the waistband for a second before pulling the tank onto him.

I scrub-dried his hair with the towel for a second but he was done staying still. He grabbed Jupiter from the bed so I just let him and set down the damp towel. I should probably get Layla something for her birthday but I don't really know what she likes. I've only ever met her twice and that's when I was with Chris, so we really didn't talk. But I also can't think while Luca's right on me so I turned on a YouTube video. It was pretty much the first thing I saw that was appropriate for him.
"Papa, I need a kiss!" Luca whined, wrapping his arms around my waist. I gently kissed his lips until he pulled away, suddenly noticing I put something on. I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone, texting Chris really quickly about what his girlfriend likes.
"Dady! C'mere!" He whined after a little bit, reaching for me.
"Come sit in my lap if you wanna," I told him, waiting for Chris' answer. He whined but crawled into my lap, resting his head on my chest. He rubbed his face on me, acting like he was fighting sleep. It's only 12:38 though so I don't know why he's sleepy but I also don't wanna keep him up when he's tired and we aren't doing anything.

"Go to sleep Bubba, I'll be here," I encouraged him. He whined and I changed the video to something fairly boring. If it's too interesting he'll try and stay up longer. He eventually got to the point his breathing was slowing down and he wasn't really shifting in my lap so I think he's getting a whole lot closer to fully sleeping. I quietly thought to myself and eventually noticed he called me Dady instead of Papa. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but Dady sounds more affectionate than Papa. That very well could be just me reading into it too much.

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