season 1 chapter 1) In Your Dreams

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"You got into the cheer team?" Georgie asked breaking into fits of laughter while i glared at him and leaned against the head board of his bed.

"It's not funny" i grumbled while he continued to laugh.

"It is very funny" He said and i rolled my eyes. "On the bright side we can see each other more because both our practices are at the same place at the same time"

"Oh the horror" i said and he shoved me making me laugh slightly.

"I'm not that bad" he said. "I'm better then Scott and Riley"

"I kinda have to agree because your my best friend" i said and he smiled to himself.

"And your mine" he said and the door to his room opened.

"May" Mary said "Your sister January said that you needed to go home now"

I groaned slightly.

"Can't i stay over?" i asked.

"It's a school night. Sorry. But maybe next time" Mary said and i nodded grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Bye Georgie!" i said.

"C ya tomorrow May" He called as i walked out the door.

The next morning i went to the Cooper house, as usual, so that they could drive me to school since January was already busy taking everyone else and February refused to help. I was in the kitchen with Mary, George, and Georgie. I was leaning against the kitchen counter while Georgie sat next to me on a chair, i was eating a piece of toast Mary forced me to eat.

"Mom!" Missy called as she turned to the corner and entered the loungeroom which was connected to the kitchen. "Sheldon can't find his bowtie"

"Really? I laid it out for him" Mary said as she closed the fridge door and looked at the milk in her hands.

"Leave it alone, Mary. He doesn't need a bowtie" George said.

"It's his first day of school. Let him wear what he wants" Mary said poring milk into Missy's cereal.

"Mom, I can't find my bowtie!" Sheldon yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Dear Lord, why's he got to wear a bowtie" Mary mumbled to herself as she put the milk on the counter and quickly walked out the room.

"Can we drive in with you?" Georgie asked George as he flipped through a book.

"Sure" George said.

"Everybody's gonna know he's your brother. It's gonna be awful for you" Missy said.

"Tell her to shut up" Georgie said to his father.

"She's not wrong" George said and i couldn't hold in my laugh, so i put my hand over my mouth to muffle it.

"Well that worked out for you" i teased Georgie who just gave me a small glare.

"Oh be quiet May" Georgie said as he looked back at his book.

"But it's so fun to annoy you" i said.

"It really is" Missy instantly agreed and Georgie gave both of us a look before going back to his book. I was about to look over Georgie's shoulder when Mary marched in.

"George Junior" Mary said.

"Ooo, what did you do now" i mumbled and Georgie elbowed me. Not hard, but hard enough to say 'shut up' so i did.

"Give me back that bowtie right now!" Mary thundered as she reached us.

"I didn't take it!" Georgie quickly defended.

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