3: Left-handed

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"Georgie, I'm bored" I said as I looked away from my book that I was reading and to Georgie who was lifting weights. Usually, both of us would want to spend time together, but we could never agree on what to do so we just went to his garage so he could workout while I read some books. It was nice the first few times but by now it was starting to just get boring.

"Then pick another book" he said, focusing purely on the weights in his hands.

"But I'm sick of reading!" I said "can we do something else?"

"Why don't you try this?" he asked, now looking at me while gesturing to the weights in his hands.

"Because I don't want to, and also because that is Milly's thing" I said.

"Come on, I tried reading once" he said.

"Is this just you trying to get me to work out?" I asked, trying to change the subject a bit.

"No" he said "Or at least not in the way that you just meant. Come on, at least try"

I sighed before putting down the book and getting up from the spot on the floor I was sitting at. I walked over while he stood up from where he was sitting. He had picked up two lighter weights and offered them to me. I took it and it wasn't too heavy, but also not too light.

"Now, keep your back straight and bend your knees like this" he said and did a squat before standing back up. I then moved a bit so that if I did something wrong I wouldn't hit him, then I squatted with the weights in my hands. I didn't like it, I instantly felt pressure on my back and my knees hurt from the simple action. I stood back up straight and did it again, and felt the same thing. When I did it a third time instead of coming back up with the weights, I dropped them when at the ground and slowly waddled to where I was sitting before. "You were doing good"

"Never again" I said before sitting back down and going to pick up my book. But before I could Missy slammed the shed door open and me and Georgie both quickly looked up at her.

"Sheldon got hurt" Missy said quickly.

"How?" I asked, quickly getting to my feet and going to where she was standing.

"I was teaching him how to ride a bike without training wheels and a chicken chased him into a mailbox" Missy said.

"Knowing Sheldon, that would definitely happen. Where is he now?" I asked.

"Emergency room, dad just took him" Missy said.

By the time Sheldon got back he was in a cast. I made sure to ask if he was ok, but apart from that there was nothing I could do. After a few minutes of talking to him me and Georgie went to Georgie's room. He was laying on his bed, reading, while I sat next to him with my back against the head bored and I was playing with his hair. I was putting it into a high ponytail for two reasons, one because I wanted to see what it would look like, and two because I knew it would annoy him and I knew it would be funny. While I was putting it up thought, I heard three knocks on the door of Georgie's bedroom.

"Georgie?" Sheldon asked and Georgie looked almost pained to hear his brothers voice.

"What?" Georgie asked, seeming to regret asking the second he did.

The door opened to reveal Sheldon. "You're left-handed. Now that I've joined your ranks, I was wondering if you could tell me what to expect"

"I don't know. To me, it's just normal" Georgie said.

"But the vast majority of people are right-handed" Sheldon said. "There must be some challenges"

"It's hard to cut stuff with scissors" Georgie said.

"Mom handles most of my cutting needs" Sheldon said.

"Uh, when you shake hands, it's the wrong hand" Georgie said.

"I don't shake hands. It's disgusting" Sheldon said.

"When driving the gear shifter's on the right side" Georgie said.

"And I'm not old enough to drive" Sheldon said. "Being a lefty doesn't seem so bad. I don't know why you complain so much"

I didn't even bother to hide my laugh as Sheldon left the room and Georgie glared at me.

"You didn't help me at all" Georgei said.

"Yea, but it was so much more fun to observe" I said.

Within the next week we had prom which was great and I did like the calm atmosphere that the place held. But after prom we left and went to a party that Scott was hosting for all the people at prom to celebrate with less close watch. That was chaotic. We drank, played games, danced, and overall had a pretty crazy night.

The week after that Sheldon had come up to Georgie and I while we were in Georgie's room. It was very random but he simply handed us a sharpy and told us to write on his cast. Georgie wrote 'Have a great summer, Georgie' and I wrote 'Proud of you for handling this so well, May'

"Normally I would write, 'have a bitchin' summer', but I figured you wouldn't like that" Georgie said.

"I wouldn't" Sheldon agreed then quickly walked away.

"You should have written it though" I said, once he was out of ear shot.

"But if I did then he would have annoyed me about it" Georgie said.

"Coward" I commented.

"Hypocrite" he fired back.


I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm lazy and I wanted to just get another one published.

ALSO, season 6 is gonna come out on Netflix next year and so I want to try and get these next two seasons done so that then when it comes out then we are able to do that!

Now that Sheldon's in college I am a bit sad because I no longer have any school scenes to do. I can't do any scenes of them at lunch or in class and that for me is very sad! I mean, they were somewhat my favorites to make and so I hate the fact that now I don't get to make them anymore.

Another thing I would like to share is that we have hit 66 chapters on this book!!!! 

Anyway, enough with that! I am off to make the next chapter which will be published soon, depending on how lazy I get! Bye!


Words: 1,120

Pages: 2.9

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