14: Anytime

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While walking out the front door of my house i saw July climbing the in our front yard. She had climbed up to the height of my shoulders and i quickly went over to her.

"July what are you doing?" i asked while she continued to try and reach for the next branch.

"Climbing" she said.

"I know, but, why exactly?" i asked.

"Me and August are re-creating Rapunzel and i need to practice being up high" she said before continuing.

"Wait, wait, wait" i said and picked her up, putting her on the ground. "Dont go up there, you'll get hurt"

"But what else can be the tower?" she asked.

"Your bedroom window" i said.

"Thats not creative"

"You do realize that if you slip, you could get hurt"

"Why do you think i put on shoes?" she asked.

"Never mind, just dont go up there again ok?"

"Ok" she said sighing.

"Lets go to school" i said taking her hand and leading her to the bus stop where the others were. January and February werent driving us and i dont wanna annoy Georgie so i am gonna talk to him at school instead.

At school we were all at Georgie's locker again and we had already worked everything out so were fine. But then Sheldon showed up.

"Good news, i just talked to Tommy Clarkson" Sheldon said and of course Georgie was pissed.

"What?! Are you crazy?" Georgie said.

"Nope, mom got me tested" Sheldon said which made Milly smirk but Lacey elbowed her to be quiet. "And Tommy's actually nicer than you think"

"I told you to stay out of it" Georgie said.

"True, but what you didnt tell me was that you were overly chummy with his girlfriend, which is why he wants to kick your bottom" Sheldon said and Georgie slammed his locker door closed before getting really close to Sheldon.

"I'm about to kick your bottom" Georgie said but Georgie was slammed against the lockers.

All our jaws dropped and we looked up at Tommy Clarkson. He has a hand on Georgie's shoulder which kept him against the lockers.

"I dont think so" Tommy said.

"H-Hey Tommy" Georgie said. "How you doing?"

"You got a problem with him, you got a problem with me" Tommy said.

"Theres no problem, you can let him go now" i said.

"Just to make his logic clear, you do have a problem with me" Sheldon said and Milly quickly put a hand over Sheldons mouth and Lacey put a hand over hers.

"No, no, theres no problem" i said.

"Dont listen to my brother, i dont have a problem with anybody" Georgie said.

"Let him go" i said.

"I'm not letting go till he apologizes" Tommy said.

"I-I'm very sorry" Georgie quickly says.

"To him" Tommy said pointing at Sheldon. Milly and Lacey quickly take there hands off Sheldons mouth.

"I'm very sorry Sheldon" Georgie said quickly.

Tommy let go of Georgie and looked at Sheldon.

"Late kid" Tommy said and walked off. I put a hand on Georgies shoulder.

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