16: eight and a half

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Today is the science fair. Me, Milly, and Lacey were in a group and researched the soler system. Riley, Scott and Georgie did a burp machine. I know, it sounded weird to me to.

At the end we stood together to see who would win.

"Bet you ten bucks that were gonna win" Riley said.

"No chance" Milly said. "we're winning"

"Bets on" Scott said and all six of us shook hands.

"And the winner of the Medford High School Science Fair is...." the principal said "SueAnn Ludlow!"

"Ok, we all keep our money" Lacey said.

"YoU'vE gOt To Be KiDdInG mE!" Sheldon yelled.

Sue went and got her trophy and Sheldon continued his screaming.

"You people are crazy!" he yelled.

"All right" George said and picked Sheldon up, carrying him out the room while Sheldon continued to yell.

"Well that was certainly interesting" Milly said and we all tried not to laugh as we still heard him in the hallway.

It was a day later and now we are in science class. Learning about cells. How fun.

"So, while an animal cell has a membrane, a plant cell has a membrane and a cell wall" the teacher was saying till Sheldon cut him off.

"Who cares?"

We all looked at hi to see his feet on the table.

"Huh, wonder whats happening there" Milly said.

"Sheldon what are you doing?" the teacher said, sounding as confused as everyone felt.

"Being disrespectful, sir" Sheldon said.

"Ah, how come?" the teacher asked.

"Because I'm disillusioned with the school system" Sheldon said. The teacher then turned to Georgie who was drawing in his book.

"Georgie, do you know whats going on with him?" the teacher asked.

"Actually, I'm trying to ignore it" Georgie said looking up to say that then looking back at his book.

"Well, get your feet off the desk" the teacher said.

"What if i dont?" Sheldon asked.

"This child" Milly said with an approving look on her face "has officially surprised me"

"No doubt" Lacey said nodding a bit but was also copying what was on the chalk board down in her book.

The teacher sent him to the principals office and we worked quietly until we heard his voice coming from the ruff.

"Attention all students and faculty"

"Oh no. He's haunting us" Riley said.

"No, idiot, his talking through the loudspeaker" Scott said.

"This is Sheldon Lee Cooper. We're taught that hard work pays off, but that's not true. I came up with a solution to save earth from killer asteroids, and lost the science fair to SueAnn Ludlow, and her frizzy hair machine. But it wasnt just me who lost, we all lost. Wake up people. The system is broken" Sheldon said and everyone looked at Georgie who was hiding his face with his hand. "Real innovation isn't valued. Nowadays, its all about flash and style. I blame MTV. Luckily my parents cant afford cable"

I then saw Georgie looking like he was praying to god that Sheldon would stop.

"I urge you all to rise up. They cant sent everyone to the principals office. chew gum in class, use a number one pencil, go nuts. This is Sheldon Lee Cooper signing off" then with that he was done! Wait no "Live long and prosper"... ok now hes done!

"Well.......... that certainly happened" i said.

The next few days were odd. Sheldon quit science and now he wants to be an actor. And so right now i am in the living room with Georgie and Sheldon. Were all on the couch but im between them. Sheldons reading while we watch the game. Well that is until Sheldon got up and randomly picked up a couch cushion.

"What are you looking for?" i asked.

"A brooch" Sheldon said.

"Whats a brooch?" Georgie asked while Sheldon went to the other side of the living room to look.

"It's a type of jewelry" i said.

"In my acting book, there's an exercise where you look for a missing brooch in a convincing way" Sheldon said.

"Why?" Georgie asked.

"According to the story, it was given to me by a friend so i could afford to stay in drama school, but now its gone" Sheldon said.

"Well, good luck finding it" i said "tell me if you want me to help you"

"Thanks" Sheldon said then stopped and looked at us "Wait. You two really believed i was looking for something"

Me and Georgie just stared at him confused while he went on.

"I did it. I'm an actor" Sheldon said.

"Your a freak" Georgie said and i hit him on the arm. But Sheldon ignored the comment and walked out the room saying-

"Where the heck is that brooch?"

Georgie shook his head while i moved into Sheldons spot so i could put my legs on my seat.

Three weeks later:

We were on our way to Sheldons play Annie where he would be playing the lead role. I was with the Coopers in their car.

"Ok, who's excited?" Meemaw asked.

"I dont want to see Sheldon's stupid play, its humiliating" Georgie said.

"Thats why i wanna see it" Missy said.

"We're going to support your brother. Not another word about it" Mary said.

There was a moment of silence before George spoke.

"Can we at least sit in the back?"

"Not a word" Mary snapped.

"Well I'm excited" Meemaw said.

"Same here" i said.

Turns out we were in the third row and the others joined us there. I was next to Georgie and Lacey, Lacey was next to Riley, Riley was next to Milly, and Milly was next to Scott.

"So, how good do you think it will be out of ten?" Scott asked us.

"I say five" Riley said.

"Zero" Georgie said.

"I say seven, this will be hilarious" Milly said.

"Nine, just because i like plays" Lacey said.

"Uh, seven" i said.

The lights went out and the curtains opened. We all clapped but i could see Georgie's annoyed face which i laughed slightly at.

At the beginning two girls were fighting till our acting teacher walked in wearing an Annie costume. My jaw dropped and i looked at the others to see them in the same state, but Milly was smirking, and Lacey had a hand over her mouth in surprise.

"Pipe down, all of you. Dont worry Molly, Annies here" Annie/the teacher said.

"Oh thank god" Georgie said tilting his head back and i laughed at his reaction.

"Ok, this just turned into an eight and a half" Milly said laughing slightly.

Words: 1,123

Pages: 3.1

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